
Mondo 教育 更新 2024-01-30

finding inner peace by embracing nature


these days, many chinese young people __1___turn) to trees to help with their stress. _2___it sounds strange, there’s a science __3___the act of tree-hugging.

2024年4項研究報告稱,抱樹活動可增加催產素它是一種負責感情的荷爾蒙(荷爾蒙) the __5___high) the level of oxytocin is, the calmer and happier you may be. _6___hug) trees for only 21 seconds can lead to an increase in oxytocin.

另一種激素 7 呼叫)皮質醇是壓力的標誌 the brain produces more cortisol __8___the person is anxious, angry, or very sad. hugging trees helps cut cortisol production,__9___makes us feel better.

although the activity is helpful to us, it’s important to keep in mind __10___we shouldn’t hurt nature __11___doing it. trees often hold valuable ecosystems. many small creatures live __12___the tree – and they are too small___13___see).擁抱樹木時,你可能想溫柔一點,就像 14 擁抱朋友一樣!

other ways to stay close to nature

forest bathing: you can stand or sit in a forest and close your eyes. try to listen to all sounds around you. feel the air __15___pass) by.

water healer: sit beside the water to simply enjoy the sounds. water sounds calm our brains. _16___possible, feel the water with your hands and feet. get a natural foot massage and relax.

keys1. h**e turned 2. although 3. behind 4. a 5. higher 6. hugging 7. called 8. when 9. which 10. that 11. while 12. on 13. to be seen 14. how 15. passing 16. if



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