large tombs shaped like the chinese character '中等'(鐘)h**e首次在河南省安陽市殷墟(yīn xū)的考古遺址(考古遺址,kǎo gǔ yí zhǐ)的外圍地區(外圍區,wài wéi dì qū)被發現。考古學家在周四舉行的新聞發布會上透露,這一重大發現為商代(西元前 1600-1046 年)的墓葬系統(喪葬系統,sāng zàng zhì dù)提供了寶貴的見解,以及與殷虛遺址的布局、結構和年代變化有關的資訊。
儘管遭到嚴重搶劫(墓葬嚴重盜竊,mù zàng yán zhòng bèi dào),但這些墳墓為研究尹徐遺址的埋葬系統、布局、結構和年代變化提供了寶貴的資料
archaeologists made several noteworthy discoveries despite the extensive looting of these three large character-shaped tombs.例如,標有M16的墳墓有乙個兩層平台(二層臺,èr céng tái),上面有彩繪圖案(有彩畫案,yǒu cǎi huì tú àn)。在棺材內的土壤中,出土了少量陶器碎片、石英碎片、石器、骨器、青銅器碎片和少量人畜骨骼(棺材中被盜了少量陶器、石英碎片、石器、骨器、青銅碎片和少量人骨和動物骨骼。 guǒ nèi dào tǔ zhōng chū tǔ shǎo liàng táo piàn、shí yīng cán kuài、shí qì、gǔ qì、tóng qì suì piàn jí shǎo liàng rén gǔ、shòu gǔ).在墳墓的中央部分還發現了陶器、高腳杯和盤子等墓葬物品。 zhōng bù suí zàng táo gū、táo pán).
近年來,在殷墟周邊地區陸續發現了商代晚期大型聚居地,包括辛店址、陶家營遺址、陶家營遺址、宗村址、宗村址、鄭家村址、these findings provide new material for reexamining and interpreting the layout of yin xu, said cui.
cui also suggested that the anyang dapo site is a scientifically planned burial ground containing different-sized tombs. it provides new data for studying the burial system of the late shang dynasty and contributes to the exploration of the social structure of that time.
source: cgtneditor: wanwan