英語滿分作文01 人為什麼要上大學?

Mondo 教育 更新 2024-01-29

1. why people attend college?

after graduating from high school many young people h**e the option to directly enter thework force. most students who h**e the opportunity, however, decide to go to college before finding jobs. they attend college to obtain more choices, higher salaries, and more opportunities for advancement in an increasingly competitive job market.

before attending college, students h**e a limited opportunity to specialize. after obtaininga specific college degree a job applicationt can be competitive for previously un**ailable jobs. for instance, applicants with computer science degrees would not only be qualified for jobs in hightech companies, they would also be well prepared for any job with computer skills as a prerequisite. with a larger range of potential jobs to choose from, degree holders are more likely to find a job that suits their particular needs and interests.

additionally, employers are willing to pay a premium for highly qualified applicants. forexample, many companies desire employees who are competent in more than one language and offer higher salaries to attract them. even if a job applicant without a college degree has high standardized test scores, employers may still place a higher value on an applicant with similar test scores who also possesses credential s from a well-known university. because of the extent to which a college degree is accepted by employers as proof of competence in a given field, college graduates are not only more likely to receive more job offers, they can also command higher salaries than applicants who lack college diplomas.

finally, in addition to offering more choices and higher salaries, a college degree offersaccess to jobs with a clear path towards professional advancement. a b. s. in biology, for example, could allow a student to find a job in a lab after graduation, a first step on the road towards a career in scientific research. the same major could also be used to apply to medical school, and a career as a doctor. both of these **enues would be un**ailable without taking the first step of an undergraduate degree in biology.


高中畢業後,許多年輕人選擇直接進入職場。 然而,大多數有機會選擇職業的學生仍然決定在找工作之前上大學。 他們上大學是為了在競爭日益激烈的勞動力市場中獲得更多的選擇、更高的工資和更多的晉公升機會。

在上大學之前,學生很少有機會專攻一門學科。 從大學獲得學位後,求職者在以前不可能從事的工作中變得具有競爭力。 例如,擁有電腦科學學位的求職者不僅非常適合高科技公司的職位,而且可以勝任任何以計算機技能為先決條件的職位。 學位持有者更容易找到適合他們需求和興趣的工作,因為他們有更多潛在的職位可供選擇。

此外,雇主願意為高素質的候選人支付更多費用。 例如,許多公司希望員工精通一種以上的語言,因此他們提供高薪來吸引他們。 即使沒有學位的求職者在標準化考試中得分很高,雇主也會發現那些擁有著名大學證書和相同分數的人更有價值。 由於雇主將大學學位視為在某個領域具有高水平能力的證明,因此這些大學畢業生不僅比沒有大學學位的人有更多的工作機會,而且還可以要求更高的薪水。

最後,除了更多的機會和更高的薪水外,大學文憑還可以帶來乙份有前途的工作。 例如,生物學學位允許學生在畢業後在實驗室找到工作,並在他們未來的科學研究道路上邁出第一步。 同樣的專業也可以申請醫學院,以後成為一名醫生。 如果沒有生物學本科學位作為第一步,這兩種途徑都是不可能的。

注釋。 competitive[kəm'petitiv] adj.競爭標準化 [.]'stændə. daizd] adj.標準。

specialize ['speʃθ,laiz] vi.i 專業化,專攻證書 [KRI'denʃəl] n.證書。

un**ailable [ˌnə'veiləbl] adj.難以獲得的文憑 [di'plθumθ] n.文憑、畢業證書。

competence ['kɔmpətəns] 1 n.能力。

high-tech[. hai'tek] n.高技術。

prerequisite [pri:'rekwizit] n.獲取、獲取的先決條件。

career [kə'riθ] n.事業,事業。

premium['primjəm] n.額外費用。

b. s. n.學士學位(理學學士)申請人 [.]'æplikθnt] n.申請人。


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