最近“研究生院退學反應”。該條目在熱搜上掛了好幾天,網友們紛紛評論這種畫風:“讀完研究生考試後,我以為我終於可以懶洋洋地睡一覺了。 昨晚我故意取消了鬧鐘,結果今天早上六點還沒醒來,就再也睡不著了。 “當我準備考試時,我覺得除了學習之外什麼都很有趣,但考試結束後,我覺得除了學習之外什麼都不做都很無聊。 “早起後實在是無處可去,就去圖書館坐著看閒書,沒想到被一起備考的同志們圍著,大家又來了圖書館。 “我們一直以為研究生入學考試的備考階段是最寂寞的,但其實,當我們完成最後一門科目的那一刻,我們發現我們很孤獨,很空虛,好像一切都很無聊。 “研究生入學考試就像乙個大夢,無論你在夢中多麼瘋狂,你都不會感到苦澀,當你從夢中醒來時,你仍然停留在夢中,長時間不能出去。 ”考生好像有病,是不是太虛偽了?
專門從事壓力研究的美國心理學家阿德里安·洛(Adrian Low)將這種現象稱為“”。考試後無聊
if the process of studying for exams is a bad experience, it will contribute to the trauma,” he said. “when you are trying to sleep, it will keep showing up in your dreams, especially when the experience is very adverse.(如果複習考試的過程很糟糕,可能會造成心理創傷。 當你想入睡時,它會不斷出現在你的夢中,特別是如果你的考試準備過程非常糟糕。 )
牛津大學經濟學家salma mohamed最近,我分享了我作為學生的時光測試後如何處理抑鬱症
1. spend the first couple of days of your break resting and letting yourself sleep as much as needed. your body just went through a lot during exam season and chances are, you probably didn't get as much sleep as you probably wanted to. so take these days to recharge and recover as needed.(休息幾天給自己充電。 )
2. after you feel recovered, now it's time to think about things you enjoy or things you would like to do throughout the day that you h**en't been able to do during the semester or any people you h**e missed out on communicating with. i like to use my planner since to me it feels like a constant in all my routines.(身體恢復也差不多,計畫好自己喜歡做什麼,應該做什麼,與他人溝通。 )
3. next, i like to write down tasks i want to accomplish for the day but make sure they h**e nothing to do with school. you can still be productive and take a break from school and this can be a time to discover/re-discover who you are without academic stresses and pressures. getting in some movement daily helps too, whether it's a nice walk outside or a dance party at home!just try to repeat these things daily to get into a routine.(列出每天在校外的任務。 勞休結合,重拾自我。 養成在室內和室外鍛鍊的習慣。 )
4. take it one day at a time, and treat each day as an adventure. remember that it is normal to feel tired and unmotivated right after the semester has ended when the break starts. just let your feelings pass and remember to be kind to yourself!(不要急於慢慢來,把每一天都當成一次冒險,疲憊和沒有動力是正常的,要學會接受那種感覺。 )
我可能生病了,但我不自命不凡,我無所畏懼。 ”