
Mondo 國際 更新 2024-01-29

普京莫斯科,12月17日(路透社) - 克里姆林宮主席弗拉基公尺爾·普京(Vladimir Putin)被駁回為U的完全無稽之談s. president joe biden that russia would attack a nato country if it won the war in ukraine, adding that russia had no interest in fighting the nato military alliance.俄羅斯總統普京對美國表示,拜登關於“如果烏克蘭戰爭獲勝,俄羅斯將攻擊北約國家”的言論。這完全是胡說八道。他還說:“俄羅斯對與北約作戰沒有興趣。 ”

the war in ukraine has triggered the deepest crisis in moscow's relations with the west since the 1962 cuban missile crisis, and biden warned last year that a direct confrontation between nato and russia would trigger world war three.

烏克蘭戰爭引發了自2024年古巴飛彈危機以來俄羅斯與西方關係中最嚴重的危機。 拜登去年警告說,北約和俄羅斯之間的直接對抗將引發第三次世界大戰。

in a plea to republicans not to block further military aid earlier this month, biden warned that if putin was victorious over ukraine then the russian leader would not stop and would attack a nato country.本月早些時候,拜登警告共和黨人不要阻止進一步的軍事援助,如果普京在烏克蘭獲勝,俄羅斯領導人不會停止,將攻擊北約國家。

it is complete nonsense - and i think president biden understands that," putin said in an interview published on sunday by rossiya state television, adding that biden appeared to be trying to justify his own "mistaken policy" on russia.

普京週日在俄羅斯國家電視台發表的一次採訪中說:“這完全是胡說八道,我認為拜登**明白這一點。 他還表示,拜登似乎試圖為他對俄羅斯的“錯誤政策”辯護。

russia has no reason, no interest - no geopolitical interest, neither economic, political nor military - to fight with nato countries," putin said.普京說:“俄羅斯沒有理由,沒有利益 - 沒有地緣政治利益,沒有經濟,政治和軍事利益 - 與北約國家作戰。 ”

the u.s.-led nato alliance was founded in 1949 to provide western security against the soviet union. after the 1991 collapse of the soviet union, it was enlarged to include some former soviet and warsaw pact countries.以美國為首的北約聯盟成立於2024年,旨在為西方提供對抗蘇聯的安全保障。 2024年蘇聯解體後,它被擴大到包括一些前蘇聯和華沙條約國家。

putin has repeatedly cast the post-cold war expansion of nato as evidence of the west's arrogant way of dealing with russia's security concerns.

普京一再駁斥冷戰後北約的擴張,認為這是西方對俄羅斯安全問題的傲慢態度的證據。 under article 5 of the nato treaty, "the parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in europe or north america shall be considered an attack against them all".


putin said that finland's entry into nato in april would force russia to "concentrate certain military units" in northern russia near their border.




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    為了讓國會議員批准援助法案,拜登發表了危言聳聽的宣告,聲稱俄羅斯戰勝烏克蘭後,將攻擊當時北約的某個國家美軍將與俄羅斯軍隊發生衝突。這種說法並不奇怪,因為連續的任命美國 也曾發表過類似言論。作為極端反俄美國 拜登的這種表態並不意外。然而,這一宣告引起了俄羅斯方面的警覺。俄羅斯前 梅德韋傑夫過去曾說過美...


    一場政治風暴突然席捲美國國會 就像霹靂一樣,整個國際格局正在被握住。月日,美國參議院對援助烏克蘭和以色列的法案進行投票,但拜登措手不及。援助烏克蘭的提議遭到共和黨人和一些民主黨議員的反對,最終未能獲得足夠的支援票,陷入尷尬的否決。澤連斯基對烏克蘭寄予厚望的最後一絲希望,這一刻破滅了,政局再度掀起波瀾...