1. get up and get dressed!(起床穿衣服!)
2.i am changing.(我正在換衣服。 )
3. i need to change.(我要換衣服了。 )
4. she never knows what to wear at the party.(她總是不知道該穿什麼去參加派對。 )
5. you dress up today.(你今天穿得很正式。 )
6.i often dress down after work.(我通常在下班後穿得很隨意。 )
7.we h**e to wear uniforms at work.(我們穿著工作服上班。 )
8. she often wears sports suit.(她經常穿運動服。 )
9. what is your size? small,medium [ˈmiːdiəm] or large?(你穿什麼尺碼?小號、中號還是大號?)
10. the red color is too loud [laʊd].(紅色的太亮了。 )
11. the black color doesn't suit me.(黑色不適合我。 )
12. this coat doesn't fit me well.(這件外套不是我的尺碼)。
13. this tie[taɪ] doesn't match with your coat [koʊt].(這條領帶與你的外套不太相配。 )
14. would you try this t-shirt on?(請你試試這件T恤嗎?)
15. you look good in anything.(你穿什麼都很好看)。
16. this pattern [ˈpætərn] is nice on you.(你穿這個款式很漂亮。 )
“誰的青春不迷茫”。這本書是所有年輕人的精神指南,也是他們所有同齡人成長的禮物。 30歲的劉彤回顧自己在北方的十年成長,總結、感知、思考過去十年的經歷,用文字在時空交錯中構建立體世界,看出自己走過的路、發生過的故事、遇見的人。 後來我發現,我們就是這樣長大的,青春不是乙個年齡,而是一種狀態,你覺得孤獨是對的,你覺得迷茫,誰的青春不迷茫?
woman: honey ,look at this green coat. it's pattern is new and stylish. do you like it?(老公,你看這件綠色外套,很時髦。 喜歡嗎?)
man: no, thanks ,dear. buying clothes for a man is a waste of money.(不,謝謝你,親愛的。 對於男人來說,買衣服是浪費錢。 )
woman :come on. you need to dress up now.would you try this on ?(好吧,你得穿得更正式。 你想試試這個嗎?)
man :the color is a bit too bright.(顏色太花哨了。 )
woman: but i think the green color suits you very well.(但我認為綠色非常適合你。
man : it doesn't fit me. i want to try a smaller one.(我不能穿,我要嘗試小一點的。 )
woman: you look good in the smaller size. people are respected for what they wear.(你穿得很漂亮,穿得很小。 人們因其穿著而受到尊重。 )
man: i know ,i know. i will get promoted [prəˈmoʊtɪd] soon because of it.(明白了,明白了!有了這套新衣服,我會很快晉公升)