
Mondo 寵物 更新 2024-01-19

長毛兔羽毛化和高產技術是養兔產業的重要組成部分。 這在寒冷的冬季和春季尤為重要。

the technology of increasing hair and producing high yield for long haired rabbits is an important link in the rabbit industry. especially in the cold winter and spring, it is more important.

科學餵養。 scientific feeding

例如,長毛兔喜歡吃綠葉飼料和甜鋦飼料。 在日常食物中加入少量的糖、蚯蚓粉、植物油,可以增加其適口性。 一些含硫氨基酸,如蛋氨酸、胱氨酸等,也可新增到飼料中。 多喂含維生素A的綠色飼料,如紫雲英、胡蘿蔔和草,促進毛髮生長。 硫酸鋅的新增還可以促進兔子的毛髮生長。 兔皮毛含硫42%,遠高於普通蛋白質的硫含量。 用一般飼料餵養遠遠不能滿足長毛兔對硫磺的需求。 硫酸鋅的加入不僅緩解了這一矛盾,而且促進了生長。

for example, long haired rabbits like to eat leafy feed and sweet curium feed. adding a small amount of white sugar, earthworm powder, and vegetable oil to daily food can increase its palatability. some sulfur-containing amino acids, such as methionine and cysteine, can also be added to the feed. feed more green feed containing vitamin a, such as l**ender, carrots, and grass, to promote hair growth. adding zinc sulfate can also promote rabbit hair growth. rabbit hair contains 4.2% sulfur, which is much higher than the sulfur content of general proteins. feeding with regular feed is far from meeting the sulfur demand of long haired rabbits. adding zinc sulfate can not only alleviate this contradiction, but also promote growth.

鼓勵使用藥浴。 encouragement of medicinal bathing

藥浴可以加速兔毛的生長,可以增加毛髮20%以上。 而且,兔毛潔白有光澤,鬆散不易纏結。 它可以預防疥瘡的發生,減少其他**疾病的發生。

medical baths can accelerate the growth of rabbit hair and increase hair by more than 20%. moreover, rabbit fur is white and shiny, loose and not easily tangled. it can prevent the occurrence of scabies and reduce the incidence of other skin diseases.

藥浴的製備方法:03%-0.5%敵百蟲溶液,再加入150克硫磺粉,攪拌溶解均勻後即用。 在浴缸裡。 或用芙蓉皮和苦參100克,加水2次5公斤,湯汁除渣,加硫磺粉100克;將5公斤水煮沸,攪拌均勻,等待溫水浴。 這個數量可供 20 只長毛兔使用。

preparation method for medicinal bath solution: mix 150-200 grams of trichlorfon powder with 50 kilograms of water to form a 0.3% -0.5% trichlorfon solution, then add 150 grams of sulfur powder, stir and dissolve evenly before use. in the bathtub. or use 100 grams of hibiscus peel and 100 grams of sophora fl**escens each, add 2.5 kilograms of water, fry the soup, pour juice to remove residue, and add 100 grams of sulfur powder; boil 5 kilograms of water, stir well and wait for a warm water bath. this quantity can be used by 20 long haired rabbits.


raising more female rabbits

同品種的雌兔的毛髮產量比雄兔高30%左右,毛髮質量也比雄兔好。 因此,在繁殖幼兔時,應在10天內將雄性兔分離或取出,使雌性兔飽滿,以利於快速發育和較少發病。

the wool production of female rabbits of the same breed is about 30% higher than that of male rabbits, and the wool quality is also better than that of male rabbits. therefore, when breeding young rabbits, the male rabbits should be separated or removed within 10 days to ensure that the female rabbits are fully fed, in order to facilitate rapid development and reduce disease incidence.

合理的拔毛。 reasonable wool picking

毛髮採集的方法和技術直接關係到兔毛的產量和質量。 應精通羊毛採摘技術,以利於長毛兔的生長發育,提高兔毛的產量和品質。

the methods and techniques of wool harvesting are directly related to the yield and quality of rabbit hair. proficient in wool harvesting techniques is necessary to facilitate the growth and development of long haired rabbits, and to improve the yield and quality of rabbit hair.

收穫後管理。 post harvest management

在飼料中加入適量的銅、鋅等礦物微量元素新增劑,可以促進表皮細胞的生長,還可以增加兔毛的曲率、韌性和彈性。 剪毛後,用蘸有60度白酒的薑片擦拭兔子全身,但不要擦拭口鼻眼。 這樣,5天後,兔子的身體就會被絨毛覆蓋,會比較整齊。 每只兔子每天可以餵食5-6克鮮韭菜和7-8顆大豆,可以使兔毛長得更快,增加被毛,使被毛光滑。 每三天左右用梳子梳理一次毛髮,促進血液迴圈和毛囊細胞活性,刺激皮層加快新陳代謝,加速兔毛生長,有助於改善毛質。 適當增加兔的光照時間,也可以提高兔毛的產量和質量。 剪毛後,手臂注射250毫公升維生素B,生髮效果明顯,可提前10天左右剪毛。

adding an appropriate amount of mineral trace element additives such as copper and zinc to feed can promote the growth of epidermal cells and increase the curvature, toughness, and elasticity of rabbit hair. after shearing, use ginger slices dipped in 60 degree baijiu to wipe the rabbit's whole body, but not the mouth, nose and eyes. in this way, after 5 days, the rabbit's body will be covered with fur and more neat. each rabbit can be fed 5-6 grams of fresh chives and 7-8 pieces of soaked soybeans every day, which can make the rabbit hair grow faster, increase the number of hairs, and make the fur smooth. every three days or so, comb the hair with a comb to promote skin blood circulation and hair follicle cell vitality, stimulate the cortex to accelerate metabolism, accelerate rabbit hair growth, and help improve hair quality. properly increasing the light exposure time of rabbits can also improve the yield and quality of rabbit hair. after shearing, intramuscular injection of 250 milliliters of vitamin b into the arm has a significant hair growth effect. generally, shearing can be done about 10 days in advance.



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