英語聽、說、練習和詞彙 04 狗的鈴鐺

Mondo 教育 更新 2024-01-29




the dog‘s bell狗的鈴鐺

john's dog was a bad dog. he bit people frequently. john had great concern about this. it was not an appropriate way for a dog to beh**e. his friends in the village always expected the dog to bite them. the news about john's dog spread through the village. none of the people wanted to go to john's house.

約翰養了乙隻狗,但它很糟糕,經常被咬傷,約翰為此頭疼不已。 狗不應該那樣。 村里的人都怕被狗咬傷。 村里的每個人都知道約翰的狗會咬人,所以沒有人願意做他家的客人。

john tried to instruct the dog to beh**e, but it never worked. he tried to be patientand teach the dog to be calm. that also didn't work. john didn't want to punish the dog. "how will i stop my dog's bad habit?" john asked himself.

約翰也試圖馴服它,但沒有成功。 他耐心地教它冷靜下來,但沒有用。 約翰不想懲罰他的狗。 “我怎樣才能擺脫這個壞習?”約翰喃喃自語。

john's friend came to talk to him about the issue. during their important meeting, his friend said, "the people in the village asked me to represent them. we want your dog to stop this habit. why don't you put a bell around the dog's neck? this way, we would hear your dog coming down the street."

約翰的朋友來找他談這件事。 在這次重要的談話中,他的朋友說:“我代表村里的其他人來到這裡,每個人都希望你的狗擺脫這個糟糕的問題。 為什麼不在它的脖子上掛乙個鈴鐺呢?這樣每個人都會知道你的狗來了。 ”

john thought this was a great idea. now, people could stay away from the dog. it would not be able to bite anyone anymore.

約翰認為這是個好主意。 現在每個人都可以遠離這只狗了。 它不能再咬人了。

the dog liked the bell, too. people looked at him when they heard his bell. this made the dog very content. he liked the song the bell played when he walked.

狗也喜歡這個鈴鐺,因為它一響就吸引了人們的眼球,他對此非常滿意。 它也喜歡四處走動時的鈴鐺聲。

one day, john's dog strolled through the village and met some other dogs. he expected them to want a bell like his. but they laughed at his bell. they said the bell made people **oid him. john's dog shook his head. "no, they look at me because they like the bell."

有一天,他在村子裡閒逛時,遇到了其他狗。 它以為每個人都會想要乙個這樣的鈴鐺,但它遭到了嘲笑。 他們說這是人們為了避免它而製作的鈴鐺。 但它不這麼認為。 “不,人們之所以注意到我,是因為他們喜歡我的鈴鐺。 ”

the other dogs said, "you h**e the wrong idea of what makes you popular. of course they like your bell. it tells them where you are so they can **oid you. you aren't able to bite them anyore!"

另乙隻狗說:“你對自己為什麼受歡迎有錯誤的想法。 當然,人們喜歡這個鈴鐺,因為他們知道你在哪裡,這樣他們就可以讓開。 這樣我就不會再被你咬了!”

you see, being popular isn't something positive when it's for the wrong reason.



appropriate adj.適當。

*oid v.避免。

beh**e v.行為。

calm adj.冷靜,冷靜。

concern n.關心,關注。

content adj.滿意。

expect v.期望。

frequently adv.經常。

habit n.習慣。

instruct v.指示。

issue n.問題,問題。

none pron.沒有乙個。

patient adj.病人。

positive adj.陽性。

punish v.懲罰。

represent v.代表。

shake v.搖。

spread v.傳播。

stroll v.徘徊。

village n.村。






5.對 sth 的擔憂=be concerned about

7.期待 sb to do/



12.這不關你的事's none of your business.







john's dog was a bad dog. he 1.__bite) people frequently. john had great concern about this. it was not 2.__appropriate way for a dog to beh**e. his friends in the village always expected the dog to bite them. the news about john's dog spread through the village.none of the people wanted to go to john's house. john tried to instruct the dog to beh**e, but it never worked. he tried to be patient and teach the dog to be calm. that also didn't work. john didn't want to punish the dog.“how will i stop my dog's bad habit?” john asked 3.__he). john's friend came to talk to him about the issue. during their important meeting, his friend said,“ the people in he village asked me 4.__represent) them. we want your dog to stop his habit. why don't you 5.__put) a bell around the dog's neck? this way, we would hear your dog coming down the street. john thought this was a great idea. now, people could stay away from the dog. it would not be able to bite anyone anymore.thd dog liked the bell, too. people looked at him when they heard his bell. this made the dog very content. he liked the song the bell played when he walked. one day, john's dog strolled through the village and met some other dogs. he expected them to want a bell like his. but they laughed 6.__his bell. they said the bell made people **oid him. john's dog 7.__shake) his head,“no,they look at me 8.__they like the bell.” the other dogs said.“you h**e the wrong idea of what makes you popular. of course they like your bell. it tells them 9.__you are so they can **oid you. you aren't able to bite them anymore!” you see, 10.__be) popular isn't something positive when it's for the wrong reason.

參見 ***


2. an3.捫心自問

4. to represent(ask sb. to do sth.告訴某人做某事)。

5.PUT(你為什麼不做 sth?一般用於提出建議)。








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