WIPO中國智財權促進中國經濟發展 總幹事訪華報告(四)

Mondo 財經 更新 2024-01-29

wipo china:intellectual property fueling china's economic development|series reports (iv)

*: 第一財經視訊:第一財經


with the changing landscape of global innovation, the global intellectual property system, represented by the world intellectual property organization (wipo), is facing numerous new opportunities and challenges. as china is one of the most robust engines for intellectual property innovation globally, what new cooperation will wipo h**e with china?

在第20屆上海國際智財權論壇期間接受第一財經專訪時,世界智財權組織總幹事鄧鴻森表示,過去50年來,中國構建了智財權和創新生態系統,成為全球智財權的最大貢獻者,現在中國提交的智財權比世界其他國家的總和還要多。 這充分證明了中國對智財權的高度重視。與此同時,中國在世界智財權組織每年發布的全球創新指數中的排名一直在穩步上公升,使其成為世界上排名最高的中等收入經濟體。

during the 20th shanghai international intellectual property forum (siipf), wipo's director general mr. daren tang stated in an interview with yicai that over the past 50 years, china has totally transformed its intellectual property and innovation ecosystem, becoming the largest contributor to global intellectual property. he noted that china now files more intellectual property than the rest of the world combined, serving as testament to the importance that the chinese government pays to intellectual property. additionally, china's ranking in wipo global innovation index has steadily improved, *it the highest-ranked middle-income economy globally.

今年早些時候,世界智財權組織(WIPO)發布了全球科技產業集群100強名單(全球創新指數的乙個特殊部分),深港廣州、北京和上海蘇州產業集群分別排名第2、第4和第5位。 在過去的50年裡,中國的創新生態系統取得了長足的發展。 “鄧鴻森說。

earlier this year, wipo released a ranking of the top 100 science and technology clusters (a thematic section of the global innovation index). the shenzhen-hong kong-guangzhou area, the beijing area, as well as the shanghai-suzhou area were ranked number two, number four, number five in the world respectively. china's innovation ecosystem has really seen a very extraordinary development in the last 50 years.” mr. daren tang said.


chinese enterprises becoming more innovative


the global innovation index (gii) is a benchmark for evaluating the innovation capabilities of various economies. according to the 2023 gii released by wipo in september, china is the only middle-income economy within the top 30, ranking 12th.

GII顯示,2024年全球研發投資以5%的速度增長強勁增長,增長率從3%上公升到2%2%,接近新冠疫情爆發前6%左右的增速。 與此同時,企業研發支出是全球研發總額中最重要的組成部分,2024年增長了7%,是自2024年以來的最高增長率。 研發(R&D)預算由美國排名(+5)。6%)、中國(+9)。8%)、日本(+3.6%)、德國(+2)。7%)、南韓(+7)。1%)。

the gii shows that global r&d investment grows at a robust 5.2% in 2021, up from 3.2% in 2020 and close to the growth rate of around 6% in 2019 before the covid-19. meanwhile, corporate r&d spending (the most important component of total global r&d) grows by 7% in 2021, the highest growth rate since 2014. research and development (r&d) budgets are ranked in order by the united states (+5.6%),china (+9.8%),japan (+3.6%),germany (+2.7%),and the republic of korea (+7.1%).

中國在全球創新指數中取得的成績及其在技術領域的排名表明,中國對智財權的重視程度。 我提到,中國在所有智財權類別中的申請數量是世界上最多的,我看到中國公司變得更具創新性和進取心。 例如,在去年的產權組織全球獎頒獎典禮上,總部位於上海的賽龍光電公司獲得了該獎項,隨後又贏得了世界盃的多項採購合同。 今年,上海的另一家公司上海西京也獲得了這一成就(產權組織全球獎)。 達仁鄧告訴第一財經。

the achievements of china and the global innovation index as well as the rankings in the technology classes, shows that china is as a country pays a lot of attention to intellectual property. i mentioned that china's ip filings in number one in the world across all the ip categories, but also see that chinese companies and chinese enterprises are becoming more and more innovative, more and more enterprising. for example, in wipo global awards, a company from shanghai shylon won last year, which went on to win many procurement contracts in the qatar world cup. this year, another company from shanghai, westwell won this award as well.” mr. tang told yicai.

產權組織全球獎是產權組織於2024年推出的一項新獎勵計畫。 全球獎旨在通過智財權的力量,為世界各地的每個人提供創新和創造力。 這些由評委選出的獨立獎項旨在表彰和支援那些技能有助於促進和改善他人生活的企業和個人。 獲獎者將獲得定製的指導計畫,以幫助他們利用智財權促進業務發展,並獲得其他形式的支援和贊助,以促進獲得資金和商業夥伴關係。 在去年的首屆產權組織全球獎上,從來自62個國家的272家申請者中選出了5家公司,其中兩家中國公司獲得獎盃,在參賽國家中排名第一。 今年,共有七家獲獎公司,其中兩家來自中國。

the wipo global awards is a new program launched by wipo in 2022. the global awards aim to harness the power of intellectual property to ensure that innovation and creativity from anywhere benefits everyone. these awards, selected by a jury, seek to recognize and support businesses and individuals whose skills contribute to progress and the improvement of others' lives. winners receive a tailored mentoring program to help them leverage their intellectual property for business development, as well as other forms of support and sponsorship to facilitate access to financial resources and business alliances. at last year's inaugural wipo global awards, five companies emerged victorious from 272 applicants across 62 countries, with two chinese enterprises securing the trophies, placing china at the forefront among participating nations. this year, seven companies received awards, including two from china.

在唐先生看來,中國企業不僅將智財權作為一種註冊形式或合法權利,而且還將其作為推動業務增長的一種方式。 這對中國經濟非常有利,因為隨著中國通過科學、技術和創新推動經濟增長,智財權對這一戰略非常重要。 智財權將保護這些想法,同時也有助於它們的商業化。

according to mr. tang, chinese companies are really not just looking at ip as a form of registration or a legal right, but using ip to grow their business, and this is very good for the chinese economy. because as china pushes towards science, technology, innovation to grow its economy, intellectual property is very important for this strategy. ip will protect these ideas, also help these ideas to be commercialized.


deepening of wipo's collaboration with china


this year marks the 50th anniversary of wipo's cooperation with china. what are the next steps in wipo's cooperation programme with china?

“我很高興有機會在這次訪問中與許多重要的利益相關者互動,包括廣東省和上海,這使我們能夠發展和深化與這兩個地區以及廣東和上海以外的合作,”唐告訴記者。 我們將繼續與中國**密切合作,支援智財權作為中國和世界各國增長和發展的催化劑。 ”

mr. tang told the journalist, "i am very pleased that on this visit, i had a chance to engage with many important stakeholders, including the top leadership in both guangdong province as well as in shanghai. and i had a chance to develop and deepen the collaboration with these two places. and beyond guangdong and shanghai, we will continue working closely with the chinese government to support the use of ip as a catalyst of growth and development, not just for china, but for all countries in the world.”

12月9日,世界智財權組織仲裁與調解中心與廣東省高階人民法院簽署《關於加強智財權領域替代性爭議解決交流與合作的協議》。 同日,上海**與世界智財權組織(WIPO)簽署了《關於加強智財權領域交流與合作的諒解備忘錄》。 根據諒解備忘錄,上海**將與世界智財權組織(WIPO)在智財權生態圈建設、智財權多元化爭議解決機制建設、智財權應用、智財權人才培養等方面深化合作,推動更多國際優質智財權資源落戶上海。

on december 9, wipo arbitration and mediation center signed a cooperation agreement on adr in the area of ip with the guangdong high people's court. on the same day, the shanghai municipal government and wipo signed the memorandum of understanding on strengthening exchange and cooperation in the field of intellectual property in shanghai. according to the memorandum, the shanghai municipal government and wipo will deepen the cooperation in the building of ip ecosystem, the construction of ip diversified dispute resolution mechanism, the utilization of ip, and the cultivation of ip talents. this collaboration aims to promote the settlement of more high-quality international ip resources in shanghai.

鄧鴻森介紹,WIPO與中國的合作是廣泛而深入的。 “上海有發展數字經濟的雄心壯志,因此我們正在研究如何支援這些舉措。 當然,除了中國的這兩個地區之外,我們還與包括國家智財權局在內的許多**機構密切合作。 例如,我們正在研究如何支援在中國培養更多的智財權專家,我們與同濟大學有乙個聯合專案,我們希望探索更多類似的專案。 總的來說,我們想做的是幫助中國從生態系統的角度,從整體的角度來看待智財權。 這樣,在中國的任何地方,如果你有乙個好主意,你可以把智財權作為一種方法,一種將這個想法推向市場的工具。 ”

mr. tang said that wipo’s cooperation with china is extensive and profound. “shanghai has the ambition to focus on the digital economy, we are seeing how we can support these initiatives. beyond these two parts of china, we also work with chinese government, with the china national intellectual property administration in beijing and elsewhere, as well as work with many other government agencies. for example, we are looking at how to support providing more courses to develop more ip experts in china. we h**e a program with tongji university here in shanghai. and we're looking for more such programs. overall, i think what we want to do is to help china look at ip from an ecosystem point of view, from a holistic point of view. wherever in china, if you h**e a good idea, we can use ip as a method, as a tool to bring the idea to the market.”

在談到今年的上海智財權國際論壇時,他說,該論壇在過去20年中一直是WIPO的親密合作夥伴,智財權也需要國際合作,因為它本質上是連線人們文化和國家的橋梁。 “上海國際智財權論壇匯集了來自世界各地的人們共同討論智財權問題,為人們提供了聯絡和分享世界各地最佳實踐的機會,為智財權領域的相互理解和國際合作做出了巨大貢獻。 ”

when discussing this year's shanghai international forum on intellectual property, he emphasized that the forum has been a close partner of wipo for the past 20 years and highlighted the crucial need for international cooperation in the field of intellectual property. he described ip as essentially a bridge that connects people's cultures and nations. "the shanghai international intellectual property forum by bringing people from all over the world together, discuss ip issues, giving people a chance to connect and network, giving people a chance to share best practices from around the world. it really contributes a lot to the mutual understanding and collaboration of ip. "

本文中文內容來源於《第一財經》(記者金葉子,責任編輯姚俊青)。 文章原標題為《專訪世界智財權組織總幹事:中國企業創新力強》。

the chinese text of this article is sourced from yicai (by journalist jin yezi, editor: yao junqing). the original title is “interview with wipo director general: chinese enterprises are becoming more innovative”.


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