
Mondo 社會 更新 2024-01-26

法律英語的文體特徵首先是法律檔案中對“正式”詞語的偏好——與普通語言不同的詞語。 正式的詞語在各種法律檔案中隨處可見。

例如,在合同中,在這些示例中,使用“先前”而不是“之前”,使用“後續”而不是“之後”,並且“前提是”而不是“但是”是常用詞。 其他正式術語有:解釋、認為、操作、相同、反對、鑑於、不、偏見等。 如:

1.prior to the commencement of services hereunder, the contractor shall furnish party b with certificates of insurance (or evidence of self-insurance) for all insurance required herein. each insurer must be reasonably acceptable to party b, and possess a minimum best's rating of '**ii' (or equivalent rating agency in the country) and licensed to conduct business in all states/countries where this agreement shall apply.

在開始提供本協議項下的服務之前,承包商應向乙方提供本協議要求的所有保險的保險檔案(或自我保險證明)。 每家保險公司必須被乙方合理接受,至少達到 Best(或同等國內評級機構)評估的“**ii”評級,並持有本協議適用的所有州和國家頒發的營業執照。

2.this contract constitutes the entire agreement between the parties. variations to this contract may be made only when presented in writing and will only be considered valid when signed by both parties, subsequent to the date of signature of this contract.

本合同構成雙方之間的完整協議。 對本合同的任何修改只能以書面形式進行,並且只有在本合同日期後雙方簽字後方可生效。

3.if any term or provision of this agreement shall become or be declared illegal, invalid or unenforceable for any reason whatsoever, such term or provision shall be severed from this agreement and shall be deemed to be deleted from this agreement; provided that if such deletion materially affects or alters the basis of this agreement, the parties shall negotiate in good faith to amend and modify the provisions and terms of this agreement as may be necessary or desirable in the circumstances.

如果由於任何原因,本協議的任何條款或規定成為或被宣布為非法、無效或不可執行,則該條款或規定應從本協議中分離出來,並應被視為從本協議中刪除,除非刪除該條款或規定會對本協議的基礎產生重大影響或改變, 雙方應本著誠意進行談判,以期在必要時或可取時修改和變更本協議的規定和條款。

宣誓書(affividat)的正式語言是首先正式宣誓、罷免和說; before me,a notary public。因此,現在的判決是下令、判決和頒布的。 如:

i, the undersigned, being first duly sworn, depose and say that i am the person referred to in the foregoing application and supporting documents. i h**e carefully read the questions in the foregoing application and h**e answered them completely, without reservations of any kind.

本人,以下簽署人,特此宣誓並宣告,本人為上述申請及證明檔案中提及的人。 我已仔細閱讀上述申請中的問題,並毫無保留地完整地回答了這些問題。




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