熱播劇《花大開》圓滿收官,最火爆的結局是上海**保衛戰,鮑先生、強先生、麒麟俱樂部的博弈。 國外網友已經在等英文字幕了,還有很多**行話“平倉”、“重倉”、“強制平倉”、“平倉線”和“警戒線”怎麼翻譯?
“平倉”是指投資者平倉。 在實踐中,這意味著如果投資者之前持有某項資產的多頭頭寸,他們將通過出售相同數量的該資產來平倉;相反,如果他們賣空(即持有空頭頭寸)資產,則以相同數量的資產平倉。 平倉的目的通常是為了獲得利潤,或減少損失。
“重倉”是指投資者在特定**或市場投入了很大比例的資金,且**股占比超過**。 當投資者在其投資組合中擁有較高比例的資產時,可以說投資者對該資產“重”度。 由於集中投資,這種策略可能會帶來更高的回報,但它也會帶來更高的風險,因為投資組合的表現過度依賴少數資產。
在英語中,“close position”通常表示為close position,“heavy position”可以翻譯為增持(investing),而“light position”通常表示為減持。
closing a positionrefers to executing a security transaction that is the exact opposite of an open position, thereby nullifying it and eliminating the initial exposure. closing a long position in a security would entail selling it, while closing a short position in a security would involve buying it back. taking offsetting positions in swaps is also very common to eliminate exposure prior to maturity.
anoverweight investmentis an asset or industry sector that comprises a higher-than-normal percentage of a portfolio or an index. an investor might choose to devote a greater portion of the portfolio to a sector that seems particularly promising, or an investor might go overweight on defensive stocks and bonds at a time when prices are volatile.
underweightrefers to one of two situations in regard to trading and finance. an underweight portfolio does not hold a sufficient amount of a particular security when compared to the weight of that security held in the underlying benchmark portfolio. underweight can also refer to an analyst's opinion regarding the future performance of a security in scenarios where it is expected to underperform.
“強制平倉”又稱“強制平倉”,又稱“強制平倉”、“清算”和“清算”。是指在某些特殊條件下,投資者保證金賬戶中的客戶淨值為負數的情況。 清算是指損失大於您賬戶中的保證金。 公司清算後的剩餘資金是總資金減去您的損失,一般還剩下一部分。
在英語中,這個概念被稱為:"margin call"或"forced liquidation"
amargin calloccurs when the percentage of an investor’s equity in a margin account falls below the broker’s required amount. an investor’s margin account contains securities bought with a combination of the investor’s own money and money borrowed from the investor’s broker.
forced selling or forced liquidationusually entails the involuntary sale of assets or securities to create liquidity in the event of an uncontrollable or unforeseen situation. forced selling is normally carried out in reaction to an economic event, personal life change, company regulation, or legal order.
在**“警戒線”。是與保證金交易相關的術語。 它是指投資者在保證金賬戶中持有的金額的價值達到一定水平,低於初始保證金要求的一定百分比,但尚未達到頭寸的清算水平。 該水平由經紀商根據法規和協議設定,以提醒投資者其賬戶資金水平接近危險區域,可能需要額外資金來維持現有頭寸並防止強制平倉。
簡而言之,警戒線是一種風險控制指標,當賬戶價值跌至接近保證金要求時,投資者應保持警惕並採取行動。 這是為了防止賬戶進一步清算。 如果賬戶價值繼續**,觸及所謂的“平倉線”或“追加保證金”,投資者可能會收到強制平倉通知,要求他們存入更多資金或賣出部分頭寸以滿足最低保證金要求。
“閉幕式”。指保證金賬戶,當賬戶淨值下降到一定水平時,根據經紀商的要求必須將保證金平倉出界。 如果賬戶價值繼續**,達到這條線,投資者需要立即採取行動,要麼通過追加保證金來維持頭寸,要麼通過清算部分或全部頭寸來減少損失。
maintenance marginis the minimum equity an investor must hold in the margin account after the purchase has been made; it is currently set at 25% of the total value of the securities in a margin account as per financial industry regulatory authority (finra) requirements.
theliquidation level, normally expressed as a percentage, is the point that, if reached, will initiate the automatic closure of existing positions. it is a security feature developed to prevent investors from incurring significant losses beyond a specified point and is, usually, pre-determined by the trader or the brokerage firm.
參考: *: 翻譯。