
Mondo 科技 更新 2024-02-21





別想社交媒體有多高階,其實就像我們每天在朋友圈上發帖一樣,但最終的主題都是圍繞著產品展開的。 或者最後的立足點可以在產品上。


很高興聽到您對我們的產品感興趣! 我們很樂意為您提供有關我們產品的更多資訊。 如果您需要任何具體細節,請告訴我們。

that's great to hear you are interested in our products! and we'd be delighted to provide you more information about our products. any specific details you need,please let us know

我們的產品有很多東西可以提供。 如果您有任何問題,如果有任何具體的事情想知道,請告訴我。

our products h**e a lot to offer. let me know if you h**e any questions of if there's anything specific you would like to know.

感謝您對我們產品的關注。 如果您有任何特殊要求或需要其他詳細資訊,請隨時與我們分享。 we appreciate your interest in our products. if you h**e any particular requirements or need additional details, feel free to share them with us.

我們將非常樂意幫助您解決產品問題,如果您需要任何幫助,請隨時與我們聯絡。 we would be more than happy to help you with your product inquires, don't hesitate to reach out if you need any assistant.

感謝您對我們產品的關注。 我們渴望更多地了解您的需求以及我們的產品如何滿足您的需求。 請隨時與我們分享更多細節。

thank you for sharing interest in our products. we are eager to learn more about your needs and how our products can fulfill them. feel free to share more details with us.

我們的產品有多種選擇,以滿足您的要求。 我會在這裡幫助你的。 在這裡,我們分享一些我們最近為其他人製作的新設計。

our products come in various options to suit your requirements. and i will be here to assist you. here we share you some new design we made for others recently.

嗨,朋友們,你好。 只是想聯絡我們,看看您是否對產品安裝有任何疑問?

hi, friend, greetings. just wanted to touch base and see if you h**e any questions about the product/installations for products.


hi xxx, nice day to you. i noticed that you viewed our website, can i answer any questions for you? here we share you some popular items we sold during this time. hope it can give you some ideas.

你好,xxx我注意到您瀏覽了我們的**,需要我回答任何問題嗎? 以下是我們最近最暢銷的一些型號,希望能給大家一些思路。

hi xxx, thank you for your inquiry, can i provide any additional information or samples? here kindly check the details about the one you are interested. please let me know if you need samples.


i am following up on our recent conversation about xx product. do you h**e any further questions?please let us know if we can do any support.

我正在跟進我們最近關於 XXX 產品的對話,您還有其他問題嗎? 如果我們能為您提供任何支援,請隨時與我們聯絡。

are you still interested in xx products? we h**e a new shipment arriving next week in your country.


can we schedule a call to discuss your needs in more details? what time you are **ailable? what about 3:00pm today?

我們可以安排乙個**來詳細討論您的需求嗎? 什麼時候方便? 今天下午3點怎麼樣?

just checking in to see how your project is progressing.


i noticed that you h**e't responded to my previous emails. is everything okay? can we h**e a call this afternoon?

我注意到你沒有回覆我的郵件,一切都好嗎? 我們下午可以打電話嗎?

h**e you had a chance to review our company's capabilities?


hi, xxx, i am reaching out to see if there's anything we can do to improve our service.


hi xxx, how's everything going? can i offer any additional support or resources to help with your project?

你好,你現在過得怎麼樣? 我們是否可以提供任何其他支援或資源來幫助您完成專案?

hi, xxx, i noticed that you've been working on xx project and sent several inquiry via xxxx, h**e you encountered any challenges or roadblocks that we can help with?

您好,我注意到您一直在從事 xxx 專案,並且還在平台上傳送了幾個查詢。 您是否遇到任何我們可以幫助的挑戰或障礙?

i wanted to update you on the progress of your order.


just wanted to see if there's anything else we can assist you with.


thank you for your interest in our products/ services. can i provide more information or samples? here we share you one projects we made recently.

感謝您對我們的產品和服務感興趣,我可以提供更多資訊或樣品嗎? 我們想與您分享我們最近的交易副本。

are there any changes or updates to your previous requirements?






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