粉絲來信]親愛的醫生,您好!我是你的忠實粉絲,我真的很喜歡你以前的科普文章,這讓我對中醫有了更深入的了解。 在這個夏至,我想問你一些關於夏至養生法的問題。 夏至是一年中白晝最長、陽氣最旺盛的時期,也是萬物生長、陰陽軒化的關鍵時期。 在這個季節,我們如何調整飲食、作息和情緒以保持健康?
科普答案]親愛的粉絲們,大家好!非常感謝您的信任和支援。 夏至確實是萬物生長和陰陽轉化的關鍵時期 to maintain good health during this period, here are some suggestions based on traditional chinese medicine (tcm) principles:
dietary adjustments:
in tcm, the summer season is associated with the heart and small intestine mer
to harmonize with the natural rhythm of the season, it is advisable to go to bed early and rise early. this allows you to maximize exposure to daylight and utilize the strong yang energy for physical and mental activities. *o
emotional well-being:
the summer season is associated with joy and vitality. it is important to maintain a positive and cheerful disposition, as excessive worry and stress can negatively impact the heart and liver. engage in activities that bring you joy, such as spending time with family and friends, practicing meditation, or engaging in your f**orite hobbies.
traditional herbal remedies:
throughout history, tcm has employed various herbal remedies to address the unique challenges of summer. one classic formula is "wu mei wan," which contains five fruits (wu mei) and is designed to nourish the heart, liver, and stomach, as well as to alleviate heat-related symptoms. another popular formula is "huang lian jie du wan," which contains huang lian ( rhizoma copt
總之,通過調整你的飲食、工作和休息,以及與季節相協調的情緒健康,你可以有效地利用夏至的積極方面,保持你的整體健康和活力。 remember to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating any new herbal remedies into your regimen.
wishing you a healthy and enjoyable summer!
參考文獻] 1 wu, mei. "wu mei wan." in encyclopedia of chinese medicine, edited by ying, mao, 1245-1247. beijing: people's health publishing house, 2013.
2. huang, lian. "huang lian jie du wan." in dictionary of traditional chinese medicine, edited by zhao, jianping, 389-391. beijing: china medical science press, 2011.
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