
Mondo 遊戲 更新 2024-02-14

a little history of the world: the greatest inventors of all time

世界小史:有史以來最偉大的發明家 (1).

near heidelberg, in germany, somebody was once digging a pit when they came across a bone, deep down under the ground. it was a human bone.

在德國海德堡附近,曾經有人在挖坑時發現了一具地下深處的骨頭。 那是一具人骨。

a jawbone. but no human beings today h**e jaws like this one.

下頜骨。 但是現在的人們已經沒有這樣的顎骨了。

it was so massive and strong, and had such powerful teeth!


whoever owned it must h**e been able to bite really hard. and must h**e lived a long time ago for the bone to be buried so deep.

有這種下巴的人必須有很強的咬合力。 它一定在很久以前就活了,才會被埋得這麼深。

on another occasion, but still in germany – in the neander valley – a human skull was found.


and this was also immensely interesting because nobody alive today has a skull like this one either.


instead of a forehead like ours it just had two thick ridges above the eyebrows.


now, if all our thinking goes on behind our foreheads and these people didn’t h**e any foreheads, then perhaps they didn’t think as much as we do.如果我們所有的想法都在額頭後面,而這些人沒有,那麼也許他們想得更少。

or at any rate, thinking may h**e been harder for them.


so the people who examined the skull concluded that once upon a time there were people who weren’t very good at thinking, but who were better at biting than we are today.


but now you’re going to say: ‘stop! that’s not what we agreed. when did these people live, what were they like, and how did they live?’

停! 現在你會說,“這不是我們所說的那樣。 這些人是什麼時候住的? 他們是什麼樣子的,他們如何生活? ”

your questions make me blush, as i h**e to admit that we don’t know, precisely.


but we will find out one day, and maybe you will want to help.


we don’t know because these people didn’t yet know how to write things down, and memory only takes us a little way back.


but we are **new discoveries all the time.


scientists h**e found that certain materials, such as wood and plants and volcanic rocks, change slowly but regularly over a very long period of time.


this means that we can work out when they grew or were formed.


and since the discoveries in germany, people h**e carried on searching and digging, and h**e made some startling finds.


in asia and africa, in particular, more bones h**e been found, some at least as old as the heidelberg jaw.


these were our ancestors who may h**e already been using stones as tools more than a hundred and fifty thousand years ago.

這些是我們的祖先,他們可能在 150,000 多年前就開始使用石頭作為工具。

they were different from the neanderthal people who appeared about seventy thousand years earlier and inhabited the earth for about two hundred thousand years.

他們與尼安德特人不同,尼安德特人出現在大約 70,000 年前,並在地球上居住了大約 200,000 年。

and i owe the neanderthal people an apology, for despite their low foreheads, their brains were no smaller than those of most people today.




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