
Mondo 教育 更新 2024-02-01




the essence and dimensions of translation technology ethics

[摘要]。隨著以ChatGPT為代表的生成式人工智慧技術的發展,翻譯技術徹底改變了翻譯的效率和有效性,但也引發了一系列倫理問題。 本文基於技術哲學和技術解讀的視角,分析了翻譯技術與翻譯技術倫理的本質內涵,分析了“人-技術-世界”框架下翻譯技術倫理的兩個基本維度:一是翻譯技術與人,包括所有權的日益模糊、私隱權的侵犯、 以及知情同意的挑戰;二是翻譯技術與世界的關係,如翻譯價值的減弱、公平性受損和安全風險等。 最後,希望這將促進翻譯技術倫理治理研究的進一步發展,從而提公升我國中文服務能力和國際交流能力。

【abstract】in the era of generative artificial intelligence such as chatgpt, translation technology improves the efficiency of translation greatly, but also triggers a series of ethical problems. this **re-examines technology and translation technology from the perspective of philosophy of technology, and explores the essence of translation technology ethics. after the introduction of both jacques ellul’s and langdon winne’s views of technology, it can be found that the essence of translation technology can be regarded as a way of life or a technical environment. for professional translators or professionals in the language service industry, translation technology changes the way they work, while for ordinary users, it is more of a way of life and technical environment, which can be merged into a “technical way of life”. translation technology ethics should be examined within framework of technical ethics. it focuses on the proper relationship between human beings and translation technology, and helps to make clear the corresponding ethical subjects of translation technology. besides, translation technology ethics finds out the ethical characteristics and risks in multiple subjects, so as to achieve the goal of adjusting the relationship among human beings, translation technology and the world. in the ethical practice, translation technology ethics can be equivalent to professional ethics or business ethics due to the change of ethical subjects, and sometimes its connotation has some overlaps with the external norms of translation ethics. in view of the essence of translation technology, the **analyzes the basic dimensions of translation technology ethics in the framework of “human-technology-world” proposed by don ihde: first, translation technology and human, such as increasingly blurred data ownership, the invasion of privacy rights and challenges to informed consent; second, translation technology and the world, such as the weakening of translation value, the further damage of fairness and the hidden dangers of security. admittedly, the ethical governance of translation technology will become one of the important tasks we will face. at present, “responsible research and innovation”(rri) has worked quite well in ethical governance of many emerging technologies, which can provide new suggestions for the ethical governance of translation technology. accordingly, it is expected that we should promote researches in the governance over translation technology ethics, and further improve the construction of language service and international communication competences.


cognition-oriented translational corpus: construction and comments

[摘要]。認知導向翻譯語料庫是專為翻譯認知研究而設計和構建的雙語平行語料庫,以大資料為支撐,其設計理論和構建技術是乙個系統工程。 近年來,認知導向翻譯語料庫發展迅速,但尚未得到學術界的系統梳理。 為了填補這一空白,本研究主要關注該語料庫的設計理論和構建技術,包括語料庫收集、語料對齊、語料標註、語料檢索和資料模式提取。 與其他平行語料庫相比,認知導向翻譯語料庫翻譯研究具有三個特點:乙個原文對應多個譯文; 語料庫與翻譯認知研究的跨學科整合; 基於翻譯策略描述的認知解釋。 該語料庫的建立為語料庫翻譯研究提供了新的視角,也為翻譯過程研究提供了一種具有較高生態效度的實證研究方法。

【abstract】the cognition-oriented translational corpus (ctc), a bilingual parallel corpus specially designed for cognitive studies of translation, has been developing rapidly in recent years. however, no systematic analysis in this respect was conducted by the translation studies field. therefore, this **tries to make a comprehensive analysis of the design and construction of ctc, including corpus collection, corpus alignment, corpus tagging, and concordance search. compared with other corpus translation studies, ctc-based translation studies h**e three distinctive features: (1) one source text paralleled with several target texts; (2) cross-disciplinary integration of corpus linguistics into cognitive studies of translation; (3) cognitive interpretation of patterns of translation strategies extracted from ctc. ctc provides a new perspective for corpus-based translation studies, as well as an empirical research method with higher ecological validity for cognitive studies of translation.


the subject of the clause and essential differences between english, chinese and arabic

[摘要]。主客體關係是哲學層面上對事物之間聯絡的本質總結。 本文從系統功能語言學中的卡迪夫語法視角,考察了英語、漢語和阿拉伯語從句的主語、同一句法成分在不同語言中的體現、語義功能及其背後的主賓關係,進而揭示了三種語言在基本哲學思維上的本質區別。 結果表明:英語、漢語和阿拉伯語從句的主語在形式和語義層面分別表現出不同程度的言語主語和賓語以及主語和賓語。 其中,英語呈現主客體分離的特點; 漢語中主客分離程度低,主客融合程度高。 主語和客人的分離在阿拉伯語中比在英語中更明顯。

【abstract】the subject–object relationship is the essential generalization of the relationships between things at the philosophical level. based on the cardiff grammar within the framework of systemic functional linguistics, this **investigates the subject element of english, chinese and arabic clauses, discusses the realizations and semantic functions of the same syntactic component in these three languages, and explores the subject–object relationship behind it, so as to reveal the essential differences between these three languages in terms of basic philosophical thinking modes. it is found that the realizations and semantic functions of the subject element in english, chinese and arabic clauses are respectively featured by different degrees of separation and integration between subject and object. specifically, english is featured by the separation between subject and object, reflecting the subject–object dichotomy in western culture. chinese is featured by the integration of subject and object, reflecting a cultural preference for the unity of man and nature. arabic is featured by a higher degree of the separation between subject and object than english, reflecting both the essence of ancient greek philosophy, which has long influenced the arabic culture, and the religious ontology of islam, which emphasizes a strict dichotomy between subject and object.


a new orientation and a strong induction: the chinese school of translation studies led by metaphysical reflection

[摘要]。道家和庸俗以兩面的姿態構成學術發展的經緯度:前者指向形上學層面,旨在縱向連線人類世界; 後者指向形上學層面,旨在橫向管理人員。 由於強調庸俗觀點與忽視道家思想的不平衡,當代西方翻譯研究侷限於形上學的實踐考量,由於世界的參與,難以形成整體的學科向心力,導致翻譯研究存在碎片化的風險。 作為翻譯研究的新趨勢,中國翻譯學院呈現出與上述情況不同的氛圍。 該學派堅持強烈的道家思想,通過形上學的關懷實現翻譯話語的最終結論,這反過來又形成了對翻譯研究碎片化風險的有力對策。 這有利於平衡翻譯學術界的流行觀點和道家思想,克服片面化、疏離的學術視野,實現和諧、平易近人的學術格局。 相應地,中國翻譯學院也值得學術界進一步關注和期待。

【abstract】metaphysical reflection and physical cognition pose the longitude and the latitude of academic studies, the former vertically linking ultimate truth with conventional facts, the latter horizontally tackling secular management. with an emphasis on physical cognition over metaphysical reflection, contemporary western translation studies is obsessed with utilitarian concerns and therefore torn apart alongwith numerous secular phenomena. this leads to insufficient centripetal force and hence a risk of fragmenting translation studies (ts). as a new ts orientation, the chinese school of translation studies (csts) poses a different situation by inducing theoretical discourses into ultimate truth through strengthened metaphysical considerations, which produces a solid restraint of the fragmenting risk. this is facilitating equilibrium of metaphysical reflection and physical cognition, and therefore creating a harmonious academic map by overcoming partial rigid visions. hereby csts deserves stronger highlights from ts.


on the relationship between translator’s aesthetic consciousness and translator beh**ior in chinese classics translation—exemplified by burton watson’s chinese classics translation

[摘要]。本文以沃特森的經典翻譯為例,運用譯者行為的批判理論,考察譯者審美意識對譯者在經典翻譯中行為的影響。 研究發現,沃特森作為翻譯再創造過程中的活躍主體,在翻譯經典的過程中,體現了強烈的審美意識和鮮明的譯者主體性:在對經典文學特徵的深刻理解和對西方詩學和讀者的充分考慮的基礎上,華信在押韻上做出務實的權衡,以突出“詩心”的詮釋, 保留修辭意象和句子結構,再現文學特徵,選擇簡潔的英文,濃縮注釋,達到簡潔流暢的美感。要努力在原文中求真與在讀者中和社會上務實之間取得平衡,積極引導普通讀者在欣賞經典文學魅力的過程中感受中國歷史文化的深厚,從而取得良好的翻譯傳播效果。 本研究有助於加強對沃特森譯者主體性的研究,深化和拓展對譯者行為的批判,可為當前文學文化的外來翻譯提供啟示和借鑑。

【abstract】translator beh**ior can be approached from multiple dimensions, one of which is the translator’s aesthetic consciousness. however, enough attention has not yet been paid to this aspect in the field of translator beh**ior criticism. by taking burton watson’s chinese classics translation as an example, this **is intended to explore the relationship between translator’s aesthetic consciousness and beh**ior in chinese classics translation from the perspective of translator beh**ior criticism. it’s found that in the process of translating chinese classics, watson, as an active translation subject, shows a strong aesthetic consciousness and distinct subjectivity. based on a good command of literary features of the ancient classics and a full consideration of poetics and readership in the west, watson tries to strike a balance between faithfulness to the source text and acceptability among the non-specialist readers by **a pragmatic trade-off between the adopting and discarding of rhythms to highlight the transference of the “heart of poetry”, preserving the figures of speech, images and sentence patterns to represent the literary features, and employing plain english and simplified notes to seek the beauty of conciseness and smoothness, with the aim of guiding the non-specialist readers to appreciate the literary charm of chinese classics and feel the profoundness of the chinese history and culture. it’s proved that watson’s aesthetic consciousness-guided translation of ancient chinese works has achieved good effectiveness in western non-specialist readers’ acceptance of chinese classics. this study contributes to enhancing not only the study of watson's translator subjectivity but the criticism of translator beh**ior as well, and offers an illuminating example for the current out-going translation of chinese literature and culture.


《外語學報》是黑龍江大學主辦的中國唯一一所綜合性大學主辦的外語核心期刊。 “傳承與發展”是《外語學報》的靈魂; “傳統發掘與前沿探索相結合,思想建設與教學探索相結合”是《外語》的方針。 2007年修訂的《外語學報》基於語言不僅是一種交流工具,更是一種存在方式的理念,以及從多個維度探索語言奧秘的原則。 《外語學報》由“語言哲學”、“語言學”、“外語教學”和“翻譯研究”四個一級欄目組成。


自2015年啟動以來,CNKI的“中國精品學術期刊外文版數字出版專案”(JTP)已與400多家學術期刊合作,發表雙語文章超過40,000篇**,積累了豐富的學術翻譯、英語處理和學術推廣經驗。 形成了集雙語出版、專題電子書出版、雙語講座製作、期刊英文內容編輯處理、資訊彙編、海外推廣為一體的綜合服務體系,全面助力期刊提公升國際影響力。



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