
Mondo 科技 更新 2024-02-18




3.土地管理:玩家可以購買、擴充套件或**耕地。 土地的大小和型別會影響不同作物或動物的種植或飼養情況。

4.農作物種植:玩家可以選擇不同的農作物進行種植,每種農作物都有不同的生長週期、產量和銷售額**。 玩家需要注意適當的作物輪作和施肥,以保持農田的肥力和高產。

5.動物養殖:玩家可以飼養雞、牛、羊等動物。 動物需要適當的飼料、空間和衛生,玩家需要注意動物健康以及由此產生的產品(例如牛奶、雞蛋等)的收集和使用。

6. product processing and sales: players can process crops and animal products, such as **bread, cheese, jam, etc. players can choose to sell products directly or engage in transactions with other players or npcs.

7. tasks and challenges: the game can set various tasks and challenges, such as achieving specific crop planting goals, producing specific products, etc. completing tasks can earn rewards or unlock new game content.

8. economic system: set up a currency system where players can obtain currency by selling agricultural products or completing tasks, which can be used to purchase land, seeds, fertilizers, animals, etc.

9. social interaction: allow players to interact with other players, such as collaborating on farms, trading items, and increasing competition output.

10. progress s**ing and upgrading: the game needs to provide a progress s**ing function, allowing players to s**e the game progress at any time. and new game areas, features, or items can be unlocked by completing tasks or meeting certain conditions.

11. game interface and sound effects: design a game interface to display farm status and operation options in an intuitive and user-friendly way. add appropriate sound effects and background music to add fun to the game.

the above are some common rules for developing farm game systems. in fact, the specific rule design is closely related to the game type, target audience, and developer's creativity, and can be expanded and adjusted according to the actual situation.

more detailed wechat communication on system development and construction: mrsfu123


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