
Mondo 科技 更新 2024-03-07

1. Blue Angel Ecolabel 是什麼意思?

藍天使生態標籤是世界上第乙個也是最成功的生態標籤,由聯合國內政部提出,並於1986年移交給德國聯邦環境保護部。 藍天使生態標籤的標誌 德國藍天使認證來源於聯合國環境規劃署的標誌,其認證主要按照審核標準,以檢測報告、企業自我宣告等檔案的形式進行。 根據德國環境署的一項調查,在歐洲消費者中,藍天使品牌的認知度達到90%,23%的消費者表示環保標籤藍天使生態標籤會影響他們的購買決策。

2. 在德國申請Blue Angel Ecolabel認證時遇到的問題

1. where do i find the criteria that a product /serviceh**e to fulfill in order to be awarded the blue angel?


all criteria are listed in the relevant basic awardcriteria.


2. i cannot find suitable basic award criteria for myproduct in order to make an application, what can i do?


check whether you can find a suitable product categoryunder pending investigative orders. if not, you can submit a new proposal.

答:檢查您是否可以在活躍的研究列表中找到合適的產品類別。 如果沒有,您可以提交新的提案。

3. is it possible for a foreign company to submit anapplication?


yes, foreign companies are also able to apply for theblue angel.

答:是的。 外國公司也可以申請藍天使標籤。

4. can a product named in the application be producedabroad?


yes. please state the production locations whensubmitting the application.

答:是的。 請註明提交申請的產品的製造地。

5. can the product named in the application be produced indifferent locations and if yes, do i need to register all of the productionlocations?


yes, the products can be produced in different locationsand these locations must all be stated when submitting the application.

答:是的。 產品可以在不同的地區生產,這些生產地點必須在申請中註明。

6. can a test report from a foreign testing institution alsobe used?


yes, as long as it verifies compliance with therequirements stated in the basic award criteria and the report is completed ingerman or english.

答:是的。 只要它確認符合基本標準中列出的實驗室要求,並且報告以德語或英語呈現。
