memorabiliathe quest for less as a stream of memories.reminiscences. of shapes, lines, volumes. the frame of the body, softly impressed on pillows.the apparent severity that comes from remembrance of something distant, in space or time. details are erased: what remains is the outline.silhouettes fall straight and vertically, with a certain bulk. forms are constructed around the body, precisely tailored, wrapped and knotted to create structure or encase movement.structure as posture. posture as manner. manner as structure. structure as a barrier, too: a way to contain the transitory, to **oid memories from being dispersed, and allow them to occupy space.drapes are solidified, in an attempt to turn the ephemeral into the permanent, like noting down thoughts on **fabric with weight. dry. with a washed hand. shaggy.strictness that contains and liberates, memorably.正如 Angelo Flacc**Ento 在專門為 UMA Wang FW24 系列創作的一首詩中指出的那樣,記憶更多的是關於形狀、體積和質地,而不僅僅是細節。 在記憶中丟失的東西仍然可以作為一種包圍運動儲存下來,作為一種可以保留姿勢的結構,一種對空間和時間的瞬間挪用:痕跡的痕跡,形成輪廓,勾勒出存在或缺失的不確定性。
在T臺上展開的剪影的垂直性被乙個顛簸打斷,這讓我們想起了每一種形式的記憶都走上了不確定的道路,一種抹去所有記憶的遷移。 圍繞身體構建的形式為各種象徵性解釋開闢了空間,使觀眾和穿著者能夠與服裝建立一種新的、繼承的關係。 特別是,有些形狀看起來像是將枕頭變成了充滿古老懷舊情懷的盔甲流; 這是一場記憶的展覽,不僅對個人,而且對整個人類。
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藝術是表達,無論是浮誇的還是輕聲細語的。 她在創作中窺視過去,捕捉時間的記憶。 本季,藝術不僅是一種外在的表達,更是對過去的人和事的沉思。 期待我們的下一次相遇!
GraphicPark 圖形公園發現很有趣! 歡迎來到不同時期的圖形公園!