
Mondo 歷史 更新 2024-01-19

message by un secretary-general antónio guterres on the international day for the abolition of sl**ery


2 december 2023

12月 2, 2023.

sl**ery is both a historic horror and a contemporary outrage.


on the international day for the abolition of sl**ery, we remember the victims of the past – particularly the millions of african people ripped from their homes, exploited, brutalised or killed during the transatlantic sl**e trade. and we think of the 50 million people trapped in modern sl**ery.

值此廢除奴隸制國際日之際,我們緬懷過去的受害者,特別是數百萬被強行帶離家園、被剝削、殘酷對待或作為跨大西洋奴隸殺害的非洲人**。 我們還想到了深深捲入現代奴隸制的5000萬人。

the calls to tackle the enduring effects of sl**ery and colonialism are growing louder. the world must respond. where appropriate, countries should acknowledge the truth, educate, apologise and offer reparations. businesses and others should join them – by addressing their own links to ensl**ement and the case for reparations.

人們越來越呼籲解決奴隸制和殖民主義的持久影響。 世界必須作出回應。 各國應承認真相,教育、道歉並酌情提供賠償。 企業和其他方面也應參與解決它們與奴隸制和賠償問題的聯絡。

we must also move much faster to stop this terrible crime today. countries must legislate, protect the rights of victims, and eradicate the practices and conditions that allow modern sl**ery to flourish – from trafficking, to debt bondage, and economic marginalisation. we also need companies to play their part, by ensuring their business practices respect the human rights of all.

今天,我們還必須迅速採取行動,制止這一可怕的罪行。 各國必須立法保護受害者的權利,並消除使現代奴隸制猖獗的做法和情況——從販運到債務奴役和經濟邊緣化。 我們還需要企業在確保其商業行為尊重所有人的人權方面發揮自己的作用。

together, let’s right historic wrongs and build a world free from the abomination of sl**ery.


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