
Mondo 旅遊 更新 2024-01-28

"light tourism" is gaining f**or. in recent years, people's leisure patterns h**e been quietly changing, with "light tourism" and "micro-vacations" characterized by short time, close distance, and high frequency becoming increasingly popular. the economic convenience of "light tourism" is accelerating the recovery of the cultural tourism market, *tourists more willing to choose this mode of

tr**el. the emerging trend of "light tourism" has brought about the prosperity of new cultural experiential tourism such as immersive tourism and social tourism. faced with these changes, the datang everbright city in xi'an has seized the opportunity and embraced the challenge by seeking new ways to innovate. the "light performing arts" h**e achieved great success. liu bing, the chairman of guoyi

zhonglian technology group, summarized the successful experience of the datang everbright city pedestrian street area in the era of "light tourism": the arrival of the "light tourism era" signifies higher requirements for the connotation, form, and quality of cultural tourism consumption. in the upgrade of the datang everbright city pedestrian street area, a deep exc**ation of xi'an's high-quality

tang culture" resources has been carried out to create an immersive experience that focuses on the environment, scene, and ambiance. the most prominent highlight in the datang everbright city pedestrian street area is the innovative product design of "light performing arts." unlike large-scale cultural tourism performances, "light performing arts" emphasizes the expression of charm in content an

d creative interaction in form. a large number of "light performing arts" in the datang everbright city area are embedded in the landscape of the street area in the forms of street performance art, situational performance art, and ambient performance art. the flexible and diverse forms of "light performing arts" include "miss topsyturvy" performance, which is presented in the form of street perfor

mance art through a peculiar topsy-turvy device, presenting a grand show with just one person. "music and dance in chang'an" is presented in the form of situational performance art, showcasing the scene of the silk road culture represented by the national first-level cultural relic, the tang dynasty tri-colored glazed pottery camel carrying music figurine. "the tang dynasty wedding" restores the w

edding customs of the tang dynasty in the form of a real-life wedding performance. in the datang everbright city pedestrian street area, "light performing arts" and "light scenery" complement each other, depicting a roaming environment that integrates traditional and modern elements, such as artistic lighting, cultural stories, and interaction with internet celebrities. the successful design of "l

ight performing arts" products allows the datang everbright city pedestrian street area to provide tourists with a wonderful immersive experience under the brilliant lights, while promoting the differentiation of the supply structure of cultural tourism performances. this new form of product promotes the in-depth development of high-quality characteristic tourism products and services, and stimula

tes the simultaneous development of tourism, creativity, culture, and other industries.in conclusion, the emergence of "light tourism" has not only brought about changes in people's leisure patterns but also created new opportunities and challenges for cultural tourism destinations like the datang everbright city. by embracing the concept of "light tourism" and innovating with "light performing

arts," the datang everbright city has successfully met the evolving demands of cultural tourism consumption. the integration of traditional culture and modern elements in the form of immersive experiences has not only enhanced the appeal of the destination but also contributed to the development of the cultural tourism industry. looking ahead, how can other cultural tourism destinations adapt to t

he trend of "light tourism" and create unique and attractive experiences for tourists share your thoughts and suggestions on how cultural tourism can continue to evolve in the era of "light tourism."





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