
Mondo 社會 更新 2024-01-29



blue light glasses gained popularity over the past few years with the idea that they protect our eyes against screen usage — but a new analysis shows they might not be as beneficial to our eye health as previously hoped.藍光眼鏡在過去幾年中越來越受歡迎,因為它們聲稱可以保護眼睛免受電子螢幕的傷害,但一項新的分析表明,藍光眼鏡對眼睛健康可能不如我們預期的那麼好。

researchers reviewed data from 17 randomized controlled trials and published the results friday in the cochrane database of systematic reviews journal.研究人員評估了17項隨機對照試驗的資料,並於12月8日在Cochrane系統評價資料庫(Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews)上發表了研究結果。

the findings glasses marketed to filter out blue light probably make no difference to eye strain or sleep quality.研究發現,市面上的防藍光眼鏡**可能對眼睛疲勞或睡眠質量沒有影響。

we found there may be no short-term advantages with using blue-light filtering spectacle lenses to reduce visual fatigue associated with computer use, compared to non-blue-light filtering lenses," said laura downie, senior author of the review and associate professor at the university of melbourne, victoria, australia, in a news release.該研究的主要作者、澳大利亞墨爾本大學副教授蘿拉·唐尼(Laura Downey)在乙份新聞稿中說:“我們發現,與普通鏡頭相比,使用藍光過濾鏡頭來減少與計算機使用相關的視覺疲勞可能沒有短期優勢。 ”

it is also currently unclear whether these lenses affect vision quality or sleep-related outcomes, and no conclusions could be drawn about any potential effects on retinal health in the longer term," she added. "people should be aware of these findings when deciding whether to purchase these spectacles."“目前尚不清楚這些晶狀體是否會影響視力質量或睡眠,也無法得出關於它們對視網膜健康的潛在長期影響的結論,”她補充道。 人們在決定是否購買防藍光眼鏡時應該了解這些發現。 ”

the studies they reviewed ranged in size and length, with a span from as few as five to as many as 156 participants assessed over different periods, from less than one day to five weeks.研究人員評估的研究在規模和時間長度上各不相同,從少至5人到多達156人不等,時間從不到一天到五周不等。

the authors said more research with longer follow-ups in more diverse populations is needed to better assess any potential effects.作者說,需要對更多樣化的人群進行更長時間的隨訪研究,以更好地評估任何潛在影響。

more studies) should examine whether efficacy and safety outcomes vary between different groups of people and using different types of lenses," author dr. sumeer singh, a postdoctoral research fellow in the downie laboratory, advised for future research.該研究的作者、唐尼實驗室的博士後研究員Sumel Singh博士建議未來的研究:“[更多的研究]應該研究不同人群和使用不同型別的鏡片之間的療效和安全性結果是否存在差異。 ”

instead of shelling out money for special shades, however, experts advise taking screen breaks.但是,專家建議,與其花錢購買特殊的眼鏡,不如讓您的眼睛休息一下。

大雪覆蓋華北,封路封校停車 北方多地迎來降雪降溫 各部門齊心協力應對惡劣天氣。

a snow-covered street in zhengzhou. [photo by qi xin/for chinadaily.com.cn]

overnight snowfall across much of northern china prompted road closures and the suspension of classes and train service on monday.12月11日,中國北方大部分地區一夜暴雪,導致道路封閉、學校停課和火車停運。

a red alert for a blizzard was in effect until mid-morning in zhengzhou, the capital of henan province, and schools were closed there and in two other cities in henan, state broadcaster cctv reported.據中國**電視台報道,河南省省會鄭州直到上午9點35分才解除暴風雪紅色預警,鄭州和河南另外兩個城市的學校都關閉了。

the zhengzhou airport was also closed until 11 a.m.鄭州機場也在11點後恢復運營。

a total of 134 road sections in 12 provinces, including 95 on highways, were closed as of 7 am because of snowfall and icy conditions, cctv said.據**電視台報道,截至上午7時,已有12個省份的134個路段(涉及95個路段)因降雪和道路結冰而關閉。

several trains in two parts of shanxi province were suspended.山西省兩個地區的多列列車已停運。

it was the first significant snowfall this year in much of china.這次降雪是今年中國大部分地區的首場大雪。

a thin layer of snow blanketed rooftops and parked cars in downtown beijing.一層薄薄的積雪覆蓋了北京市中心的屋頂和停放的汽車。

the roads were mostly clear and workers swept remaining snow from the sidewalks.大部分道路已經清理完畢,工作人員正忙著清理行人路上的積雪。

the beijing public transport group said that 187 bus routes were suspended on monday morning.北京公共運輸集團表示,周一上午共有187條公交線路停運。

some subway lines were adding additional trains during the morning rush hour, cctv said.中央電視台報道稱,一些地鐵線路在早高峰時段增加了臨時列車。

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