please scroll down for the english version -treasured designer: unnc's hidden gem.
摘自寧波諾丁漢大學(寧波諾丁漢大學)*專欄諾丁地平線自啟動以來,來自人工智慧與計算、科技與金融、機械工程、語言文學等領域的四位寧波諾丁漢大學學者以生動通俗易懂的方式向公眾普及了他們的專業知識,受到了觀眾的一致好評。 隨著節目的不斷播出,欄目迎來了第五位學者嘉賓,省級一流本科專業建設點——工業設計與製造負責人劉炳健,逐漸走進了更多人的視野。
劉炳健. 工業設計與製造專業負責人。
在學生心中,劉炳健是一位充滿人文關懷、講究具體實踐的老師。 如RSA 設計專案跟“重大設計專案”。作為課程主持人和主要講師之一,他總是強調“以人為本的設計”。該概念倡導通過設計來表達人文關懷。 講座結束後,他更喜歡泡在設計工作室裡,和同學們一起燒腦筋,鼓勵同學們通過創新與變現的結合,解決救援、環保、健康、老齡化等方面的問題。
2024年初,國際頂級設計競賽之一的國際設計大獎(IDA)宣布了2024年的獲獎者,寧波諾丁漢大學的學生一舉斬獲14個獎項。 專為手部和手臂截肢者設計的健身舉重帶、可以改善使用者情緒的空氣淨化器、運動文胸......專為手術後的乳腺癌患者設計這些獲獎作品中,不乏出自劉秉堅教授的課程,無一例外地突出了人文關懷的主題。
在專業課程中,老師們總是提到針對老人和兒童的設計,以及針對其他弱勢群體的設計。 由於學校的影響力,我們會更加關注這群人。 獲獎學生之一王可欣分享道。
2024年,中國中車在行業頂級盛會——德國柏林軌道交通技術展上推出具有驚人技術的概念高速鐵路,這正是設計的意義所在劉炳健. 這輛概念高速列車的車身以金色為主,車頭高度流線型,科技感十足,與硬朗直線組成的菱形大燈和車窗形成鮮明對比,巧妙協調,給觀眾帶來強烈的視覺衝擊。
鳳凰作為鳥中之王,是中國文化的代表。 它既能展現乙個偉大國家的風采,又能充分體現高鐵速度為500公里/小時強者的力量。 劉炳健透露,他把設計過程帶到了:鳳凰為靈感,將車頭和羽毛抽象化並融入高鐵車身,並根據列車組隊的行駛布局、抗風引數等指標不斷調整優化。 最終,他的設計在法國、日本等國家和地區的提案中脫穎而出。 2024年,高鐵概念作為中國高鐵的代表作品之一,在世界工業設計大會上亮相。
此外,劉炳健在行業內也積累了相當的實踐經驗。 他加入海信並參加了海信950系列手機的設計,全面負責外表面的3D設計建模。 “我對手機的整體曲線和細節線條非常感興趣,儘管當時看起來有點'過分'。 但是,我認為,“整體和諧”和“細節精緻”的統一對於創造產品設計美學是必不可少的。 “劉炳健回憶道。
正是他對卓越的奉獻精神為這款手機贏得了消費者的認可,包括對其設計和抓地力的讚譽。 這也使得這款手機成為當年海信手機業務的主要參與者最暢銷的型號之一。 從圖紙設計、打樣生產到最終交付給使用者,這段經歷讓劉炳健走遍了產品設計的全環節,“實操”二字也深深烙印在他的教學理念中。
劉炳健認為,隨著行業的發展,通過單一的產品設計服務目標人群將變得越來越困難。 他說:“我們正在逐步引導寧波諾丁漢大學工業設計專業的學生從服務設計的更廣闊的語境中重新理解工業設計,通過對整個系統進行系統化設計,解決人們目前面臨的問題和挑戰,從而更好地服務於社會。 ”
treasured designer: unnc's hidden gem
ever since the university of nottingham ningbo china (unnc) introduced its video programme, "nottinghorizon", four scholars from the realms of artificial intelligence and computing, fintech, mechanical engineering, as well as language and literature, h**e captivated audiences with their lucid presentations on complex subjects. recently, the programme welcomed its fifth scholar, dr liu bingjian, course director of product design and manufacture (pdm), a provincial first-class undergraduate programme, and he has gradually gained more attention.
in students’ opinion, dr liu is a scholar full of humanistic care and focuses on actual practices. as the director and one of the main lecturers of the two modules, "rsa design projects" and "major design project", dr liu always emphasises the concept of "design serving people", alongside advocating the use of design to embody humanistic care and encouraging students to combine innovation and feasibility to solve problems related to rescue, environmental protection, health, and ageing.
in recent years, dr liu has supervised many unnc undergraduate students to publish several **s at the international conference on human-computer interaction, and has guided unnc students to clinch over 20 accolades in prestigious international competitions, including the international design awards (ida), a' design award, and the if product design award.
in early 2023, one of the world's top design competitions ida announced the winners for 2022, and unnc students won 14 awards. these award-winning works included a fitness weight belt designed for hand and arm amputees, an air purifier that can improve the user's mood, and a sports bra designed specifically for post-surgery breast cancer patients. the majority of these works were developed as part of the modules convened by dr liu and their focus often centres on addressing the needs of vulnerable populations and showcasing a deep sense of humanity.
in fact, dr liu's design ethos and teaching accomplishments are deeply intertwined with his prior industry experiences.
in september 2018, china railway rolling stock corporation (crrc) unveiled a stunning concept high-speed train at the industry's leading event – innotrans exhibition in berlin, germany, with dr liu responsible for the exterior design. the train's body is predominantly golden, with a sleek and high-tech-looking front, contrasting with the diamond-shaped headlights and windows formed by rigid straight lines. this design is both clever and harmonious, creating a strong visual impact for viewers.
dr liu revealed that he drew inspiration from the phoenix in the design process, abstracting its head and feathers and incorporating them into the train body. he continuously adjusted and optimised the design based on parameters such as the train's drive layout and aerodynamic performance. ultimately, his design stood out among proposals from countries including france and japan. in 2019, crrc showcased the concept of a high-speed train again at the world industrial design conference.
furthermore, dr liu has garnered considerable hands-on experience within the industry. he joined hisense and played a pivotal role in designing the hisense 950 series mobile phones, taking full charge of the three-dimensional design and modelling of the exterior contours. "i pursued the ultimate perfection in the overall curves and detailed lines of this mobile phone, even though it might h**e seemed a bit 'excessive' at the time. but i believe the unity of 'overall coordination' and 'exquisite details' is essential for creating product design aesthetics," dr liu recalled.
his unw**ering commitment to excellence earned the phone widespread consumer recognition, notably for its exterior design and handling comfort. that year, the phone became one of the sales champions. from initial sketches and prototype creation to the eventual product delivery, this journey equipped dr liu with a comprehensive understanding of the product design process. the concept of "practical operation" has become deeply ingrained in his teaching philosophy.
with the evolution of the industry, dr liu believes that catering to a target demographic through a singular product design will become progressively challenging. he said, "we are gradually guiding students majoring in pdm at unnc to reframe their understanding of industrial design within a broader context of service design. by applying systematic design thinking to address people's current problems and challenges, we can better serve society."
***patrick cai, elena yang
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