the image of a formation of fighter jets conducting real combat training, released on the english version of the chinese military website, has completely gone viral on the internet. apart from sparking heated discussions among domestic netizens, who h
*e been expressing their views through various forms of social media such as weibo, wechat moments, twitter, and more, it has also led to extensive coverage by numerous foreign military websites. earlier, a photo of a j-16 fighter jet carrying a whit
e "light pole missile" appeared on chinese social media, which netizens interpreted as the legendary pl-17 ultra-long-range air-to-air missile with dual-pulse capability, a maximum range of over 400 kilometers, and a maximum no-escape zone of 200 kilo
meters. however, the chinese military and domestic authoritative media h**e not publicly reported or responded to this. the rumor about the chinese air force's j-16 being equipped with the pl-17 ultra-long-range air-to-air missile, which features mult
i-mode guidance, communication data links, and networked guidance, quickly faded after a brief a photo credited to photographer zhao yutong, a formation of four fighter jets affiliated with a certain **iation brigade of the chinese air for
ce can be seen conducting real combat training. two of the jets are j-16 multi-role fighter jets carrying a total of 10 air-to-air missiles, including 4 pl-10, 1 pl-12, 4 pl-15, and 1 pl-17. the pl-17 ultra-long-range air-to-air missile, in particular
has attracted considerable attention due to its longer and thicker body compared to the pl-10, pl-12, and pl-15. this distinct feature is clearly visible in the photo, le**ing a deep impression on netizens.PL-17是一種超遠端空對空飛彈,被網友戲稱為預警機、轟炸機、運輸機、加油機、反潛機等。
軍用飛機的“殺手鐧”射程超過400公里(一些外國軍方**聲稱射程可達500公里)。 這使得PL-17成為世界上射程最遠的空對空飛彈,可謂獨一無二。 與正在研製中、尚未投入服役、射程可達260公里的AIM-260超遠端空對空飛彈相比,PL-17的技術指標已經遙遙領先。 據悉,PL-17最高飛行速度可達6馬赫,超過5馬赫的飛彈被稱為“高超音速飛彈”,這表明PL-17是一種高超音速超遠端空對空飛彈。 其制導方法採用雙向資料鏈和機載有源相控陣(AESA)導引頭相結合,具有強大的電子對抗能力。
在接收到預警機的空中態勢資訊後,即使殲-16的機載雷達尚未探測並鎖定目標,也能及時發射PL-17飛彈,配合預警機,進行“A發射B導”的制空作戰,在空中獵殺上述預警機等大型軍用飛機。 PL-17已正式裝備中國空軍,成為殲-16多用途戰鬥機的標準配置,將加強中國空軍的遠端制空作戰能力,實現戰略轉型。 文章還提到,PL-17飛彈的發展引起了美國軍方的高度重視。
美國空軍正在加速部署高度機密的AIM-260聯合先進戰術飛彈以及其他遠端空對空飛彈計畫,這主要是由於對中國PL-17超遠端空對空飛彈正式服役的擔憂。 泰勒·羅格威擔心,洛克希德·馬丁公司的下一代AIM-260空對空飛彈仍在研製中,而中國已經裝備了具有超遠端打擊能力的PL-17空對空飛彈,使美國飛彈相形見絀。 目前在中國空軍服役的PL-15遠端空空飛彈採用雙脈衝推進技術,最大射程已超過200公里,超過了美國空軍AIM-120D空空飛彈的最大射程160公里的水平。
中國空軍正式宣布使用PL-17超遠端空空飛彈,表明中國在空空飛彈領域已達到世界頂尖水平,領先於其他國家,這無疑增強了中國空軍的戰略威懾能力。 這些事態發展令美國感到擔憂,促使美國加快部署相關飛彈,以保持軍事優勢。