電影《寶貝老闆》由夢工廠動畫出品。 講述了乙個腦袋大的7歲男孩蒂姆,原本是唯一被父母寵愛的寶寶,直到乙個寶寶出現,一家三口的平衡被打破,父母的心思全都在這個弟弟身上,這讓他很不開心。
但更讓他震驚的是,在為父母的愛情而戰的過程中,這個弟弟並不像他看起來那麼天真無邪,他打扮得像個老闆,是來自嬰兒公司的優秀員工,責任重,思想周到。 起初,他只是想贏回父母的愛,但機緣巧合下,蒂姆開始和好"弟弟"聯手阻止小狗公司顛覆世界的陰謀。
1.survival of the fittest.it's the law of the jungle.there's always someone trying to take what's yours.
2.did you know that the **is the strongest shape found in nature?
3.trust me,one day you're gonna get to know this little guy and you are gonna love him with all of ypur heart.相信我,總有一天你會認識這個小傢伙,然後你會全心全意地愛他。
4.it's time to make way for the next generation.it's the way of the world.
5.there's only so much love to go around.it's like these beads.you used to h**e all your parents' love,all their time,all their attention.you h**e all the beads.but then i came along.babies take up a lot od time.they need a lot of attention.they get all the love.
6.you can't be fired from your own family.
7.we babies are h**ing a crisis!..babies aren't getting as much love as we used to...behold our mortal enemy.puppies!
嬰兒正處於重大危機之中。 嬰兒們不像以前那樣受到照顧,我們可以清楚地看到我們的克星,小狗!
8.you can't miss what you never had.你不能錯過你從未擁有過的東西。
9.either you run the day,or the day runs you.
10.whether you think you can or you think you can't,you're right!
11.the path to success is not a straight line,templeton,but rather a wild ride,like a ship at sea.and you're a sea captain,taming a turbulent ocean!
12.aim away from failure,and you'll always succeed.
13.once success is a habit,then it's all downhill.
14.blackbird singingin the dead of night.take these broken wings and learn to fly.all your life,you were only waiting for this moment to arise.
15.and if there isn't enough love for the two of us,then i wanna give you all of mine.
16.i would like to offer you a job.it will be hard work and there will be no pay.but the good news is that you can never be fired.and i promise you this,every morning when you wake up,i will be here.every night at dinner,i will be here.every birthday party,every christmas morning,i will be there.year after year after year.
我想給你乙份工作,這很重要,而且是無償的,但好在你永遠不會被解雇,我保證,你每天早上醒來都會見到我;每個晚餐時刻,我都在那裡,每個生日,每個聖誕節,我都在那裡。 日復一日,年復一年。
17.we will grow old together,and you and i will always be brothers,always.我們一起變老,你我永遠是好兄弟。
18.there's plenty of love for everyone.