happy new year, everyone. i hope you had a great christmas.
we can look back on a pretty momentous year. we’ve delivered record funding for the nhs and social care. schools in england are surging up the global league tables.
we’re getting the economy growing. we’ve cut inflation in half. we’ve delivered the biggest business tax cut in modern british history.
and in just the last few weeks, we’ve seen an incredible £60 billion of investment into the uk. so my new year’s resolution is to keep driving forward.
僅在過去幾周,我們就看到有驚人的600億英鎊投資進入英國。 我的新年決心是繼續前進。
in six days’ time, we’ll deliver a tax cut for 27 million people, worth on **erage £450.
inflation is set to fall further, cutting the cost of living for everyone. and we’re not stopping there.
and we’re taking decisive action to stop the boats and break the business model of the criminal gangs.
that’s what i’m determined to do, and i wish you all a very happy 2024.
new words and expressions
very important because of effects on future events意義重大,意義重大。
the momentous news of the president'的死**他去世的大新聞。
whether or not to move overseas was a momentousdecisionfor the family.是否移居海外,是這個家庭的重要決定。
to take goods, letters, parcels, etc. to people's houses or places of work
mail is deliveredtoour office twice a day.郵遞員每天兩次將郵件送到我們的辦公室。
to achieve or produce something that has been promised
the government has failed to deliver (what it promised).* 未履行(承諾)。
mainly us the republicans are relying on their agricultural policies to deliver the farmers' vote (= to persuade farmers to vote for them).共和黨依靠其農業政策來贏得農民的選票。
at a higher level than ever achieved before破紀錄;史無前例。
the long hot summer has led to a record harvest this year.今年夏天漫長而炎熱,是創紀錄的收成年。
inflation has reached record levels.通貨膨脹率處於歷史最高水平。
fundingnoun[ u ]uk/ˈfʌn.dɪŋ/
money given by a government or organization for an event or activity
alisha is trying to get funding for her research.Alysia正在為他的研究尋求資金。
the nhsnounuk/ˌen.eɪtʃˈes/
abbreviation for the national health service
英國國民健康服務(National Health Service的簡稱)
many forms of cosmetic surgery are not**ailable on(= paid for by) the nhs.NHS不承擔許多型別的整容手術的費用。
social carenoun[ u ]uk/ˌsəʊ.l ˈkeər/
care by public organizations and private companies for people in society who need special help in order to live comfortably, for example help with washing or eating
these demographic features of older age groups are important when considering future demands for social care .在考慮未來的社會護理需求時,這些老年人口的人口統計資料很重要。
surgeverb[ i ]uk
sɜːdʒ/to increase suddenly and strongly浪湧,陡峭,猛烈上公升。
the company's profits h**e surged.該公司的利潤激增。
leaguenoun[ c ]uk/liːɡ/
a group of teams playing a sport who take part in competitions between each other
who do you think willwinthe league championship this year?你認為誰會贏得今年的聯賽冠軍?
the system of trade and industry by which the wealth of a country is made and used經濟;經濟。
inflationnoun[ u ]uk/ɪnˈfleɪ.ʃn/
a general, continuous increase in prices通貨膨脹。
impossible, or very difficult, to believe難以置信。
investmentnoun[ c or u ]uk/ɪnˈvest.mənt/
the act of putting money, effort, time, etc. into something to make a profit or get an advantage, or the money, effort, time, etc. used to do this
the government wanted an inflow of foreign investment.**希望看到外國資本的湧入。
an official decision that is made after a group or organization has voted
toapprove/adopta 決議 通過決議。
a promise to yourself to do or to not do something測定;決定。
to infinitive ] imadea resolutiontogive up chocolate.我下定決心不再吃巧克力了。
the result you get by adding two or more amounts together and dividing the total by the number of amounts平均;平均。
the **erage of the three numbers 7, 12, and 20 is 13, because the total of 7, 12, and 20 is 39, and 39 divided by 3 is 13.三個數字 7、12 和 20 的平均值是 13,因為 7、12 和 20 的總和是 39,而 39 除以 3 是 13。
positioned or fixed firmly and correctly and therefore not likely to move, fall, or break
that ladder doesn't look very secure to me.我不認為梯子是穩定的。
supplyverb[ t ]uk/səˈplaɪ/
to provide something that is wanted or needed, often in large quantities and over a long period of time**,提供,供應。
electrical power is supplied by underground cables.電力通過地下電纜輸送。
able to make decisions quickly and confidently, or showing this quality
you need to be more decisive.你必須更加果斷。
rewardnoun[ c ]uk/rɪˈwɔːd/
something given in exchange for good beh**iour or good work, etc.
there's a rewardforwhoever finishes first.誰先完成,誰將獲得獎勵。
criminalnoun[ c ]uk/ˈkrɪm.ɪ.nəl/
someone who commits a crime罪犯。
gangnoun[ c, +sing/pl verb ]uk
a group of young people, especially young men, who spend time together, often fighting with other groups and beh**ing badly
fights among rival gangs account for most murders in the city.該市絕大多數**案件都是由敵對幫派之間的鬥毆引起的。
a group of criminals who work together犯罪團夥;歹徒。
innovatornoun[ c ]uk/ˈɪn.ə.veɪ.tər/
someone who introduces changes and new ideas創新。
she has won a reputation as a leading innovator in the industry.她贏得了業內領先創新者的聲譽。
the cutting edgenoun[ s ]uk/ˌkʌt.ɪŋedʒ/
the most modern stage of development in a particular type of work or activity
a companyatthe cutting edgeof移動通訊技術是移動通訊技術領域的領先公司。
optimismnoun[ u ]uk/ˈɒp.tɪ.mɪ.zəm/
the quality of being full of hope and emphasizing the good parts of a situation, or a belief that something good will happen
there was a note of optimism in his voice as he spoke about the company's future.當談到公司的未來時,他樂觀地說話。
determinedadjectiveuk/dɪˈtɜː.mɪnd/wanting to do something very much and not allowing anyone or any difficulties to stop you堅定、堅決、堅定。
to infinitive ] i'm determinedtoget this piece of work done today.我決心今天完成這項工作。