英文月份名稱來源於古羅馬曆法,有的是按數字順序排列的,有的是以神或皇帝的名字命名的。 例如,“十月”的拉丁詞根“octo”實際上意味著“八”,章魚章魚也是如此。 那麼,為什麼月份和實際數字之間不匹配呢?聽韋氏詞典的編輯詳細解釋一下
1 月 1 月
january is named after the roman god janus, who presided over doors and beginnings – appropriately enough, for the beginning of the year (though this is, as you will discover, not as straightforward as it seems). indeed, janus was usually depicted with two faces looking backwards and forwards, as is often characteristic of a new year; this also g**e rise to the term janus word for words that h**e two opposite meanings.
珍妮裡以羅馬神話中的雙面神雅努斯命名。 他負責守衛傳送門以及一切的開始和結束——他很適合開始新的一年(儘管你會看到,這並不那麼直觀)。 事實上,傑納斯通常呈現出兩面性,一面回顧過去,一面展望未來,這通常被視為新年的特徵;這也使得派生短語“janus word”(雙面詞)表示具有兩種相反含義的詞。
february is ultimately based on latin februarius, from februa. in case that’s not helped things become clearer, februa was the name of a purification feast held on the 15th of this month. february is a divisive issue in modern pronunciation, with both feb-yoo-ary and feb-roo-ary being commonly heard.
二月源自“februarius”一詞,是拉丁語“februa”的衍生詞。 這句話可能不清楚,但這裡還有另乙個補充:“februa”是本月十五日舉行的清潔節的名稱。 在現代英語中,人們對“february”的發音存在分歧,最常聽到的有兩種,一種是“feb-yoo-ary”,另一種是“feb-roo-ary”。