
Mondo 國際 更新 2024-01-28

according to reports from the guardian and newsweek, on december 7th, a thermal power plant near the front line in ukraine was shelled by russia, prompting ukraine to issue a warning to residents to conserve energy. this marks the first such warning of the winter. newsweek suggests that this indicates a new phase in russia's war on ukraine. on december 8th, in kharkiv, ukraine, a woman looks out o

f a window shattered by an explosion. ukrainian president zelensky said in a nighttime address, "i thank every ukrainian family - everyone who understands the challenges of war and temperature, and s**es and uses electricity rationally." the ukrainian ministry of energy reported on its facebook page that the shelling from russia damaged a thermal power plant on the conflict front line. to protect

the sensitive information of "relevant critical infrastructure," ministry officials did not specify which plant was affected, but said that two generating units had been shut down. this attack, combined with the onset of winter, has led to a rapid drop in temperatures across ukraine, causing a "temporary power shortage" in the electricity grid. the ministry of energy is urging residents to use ele

ctricity reasonably and economically, especially during peak demand periods. on november 4, 2022, in kyiv, ukraine, workers were repairing a power station that had been targeted by russian airstrikes. the ministry of energy reported on its website earlier in the day that power supplies had been cut off to 408 settlements due to hostile actions and technical issues. the extent of the impact on user

s is not yet clear, but officials h**e stated that "the situation with the power system is stable and under control." ukrainian officials had previously warned that russia's storing of weapons before winter indicated that it might be planning a new w**e of attacks during the cold months.據烏克蘭國防部主要情報局代表瓦迪姆·斯基比茨基(Vadim Skibitsky)稱,11月初,俄羅斯可能會在用電高峰時加強對烏克蘭能源基礎設施的打擊。 去年冬天,俄羅斯對電網發動襲擊,導致烏克蘭大面積停電。

烏克蘭**不得不依靠定期強制停電,讓公民節省有限的可用能源**來度過冬天。 此舉嚴重影響了烏克蘭人民的生活和基礎設施的正常運轉。



    澤連斯基在烏克蘭的命運正在受到審查,他的失敗可能導致西方對他的態度發生變化。美國前國防部副部長助理史蒂文 布萊恩甚至表示,澤連斯基可能會被西方趕下台。目前,烏克蘭議會已通過關於取消戰時 選舉的宣告,這引發了烏克蘭與西方之間關於是否舉行選舉的分歧。澤連斯基的 身份對他來說至關重要,因為這是他的保證,一...


    烏克蘭的最新決定標誌著俄烏戰爭動態的重大轉變。烏克蘭軍隊將放棄其先前的戰略 計畫,並全面轉向戰略防禦。他們計畫在烏克蘭境內縱深建設公里的防線,覆蓋扎波羅熱 赫爾松 庫皮揚斯克和雷德曼等關鍵地點,並在俄烏邊境和烏白邊境修建防禦工事。這條龐大的防線預計耗資約億美元,計畫在 個月內完成。此舉旨在為烏克蘭建...


    烏克蘭 澤連斯基最近發布 稱,基輔將建造從頓巴斯到烏克蘭西部的防禦工事,而不是原來的計畫 此舉引起了外界的廣泛關注。畢竟,在過去的 個月裡,澤連斯基一直是一位堅定的鬥士,他曾表示烏克蘭軍隊將奪回領土並採取行動。然而,澤連斯基為什麼會做出這種轉變,選擇從防守轉向進攻呢?關於烏克蘭 的這一決定引發了很多...


    烏克蘭總統澤連斯基近日宣布了一項重大決定,稱將在頓巴斯地區修建一條公里長的防線,以阻擋俄羅斯的進攻。這一決定引起了外界的廣泛關注,人們質疑澤連斯基為何做出這樣的決定。在過去的 個月裡,澤連斯基一直在強調收復失地的必要性,因此他做出這樣的決定令人難以置信。而事實上,從目前的戰略形勢來看,烏克蘭真的有必...

    烏克蘭總統沃洛德公尺爾·澤倫斯基(Volodymyr Zelensky)果斷行動,內訌公開

    據全球網報道,目前,烏克蘭 澤連斯基繞過烏軍總司令扎盧日尼,直接與前線軍官溝通,導致扎盧日尼無法繼續指揮軍隊。烏克蘭 與軍事總司令之間的關係似乎存在裂痕。俄烏衝突已經持續了一年多。最初,烏克蘭內部相對團結,至少在抵抗俄羅斯進攻時是這樣,政治對手之間的分歧暫時擱置。然而,隨著烏克蘭軍隊在春天的慘敗 澤...