
Mondo 文化 更新 2024-01-28



du hongwen, the master of the sitting and forgetting studio, also known as the drunken weng, is a collector and connoisseur, and a social activist.

他熱愛書法、繪畫和金石篆刻藝術,從事古建築建設工程,與眾多文藝、體育、**藝術大師成為朋友,經常參加各大媒體節假日、文藝團體和書畫院舉辦的大型活動和慈善活動,墨池杯、 漢韻杯、華夏杯。在專家組評審中均獲得一等獎。

he has a passion for calligraphy, painting, and the art of gold, stone, and seal carving, and is engaged in ancient architectural construction projects. he has become friends with numerous artistic masters in literature, sports, and media, and often participates in large-scale events and charity activities organized by major media outlets, literary groups, and calligraphy and painting academies.mochi cup, hanyun cup, huaxia cup. all h**e been awarded first prize by the expert group.

杜洪文先生一生與藝術交友,曾受到多位藝術大師的指導,為多位藝術大師和國家領導人製作印章,潛心研究古園林20餘年,期間研究《中國古代建築史》、《梁思成選集》、《清式建築規矩》等古代建築名著, 並從2024年開始組織建設古園林工程,在北京、山西、內蒙古等地成功建成了一批具有代表性的古園林工程。

mr. du hongwen spent his entire life **friends through art, receiving guidance from numerous art masters, and **seals for many art masters and national leaders. he devoted himself to studying ancient architecture and gardens for more than 20 years, during which he studied ancient architecture classics such as "history of chinese ancient architecture", "collected works of liang sicheng", and "regulations for qing dynasty architecture". he began organizing construction of ancient architecture and garden projects in beijing, shanxi, and other places a number of representative ancient architecture and garden projects h**e been successfully constructed in inner mongolia and other regions.


mr. du hongwen is an expert and scholar who has come from the mountains among the common people. through arduous self-learning and practical experience, he has achieved achievements comparable to those of experts with a bachelor's degree, and is unique in the field of ancient architecture and garden art.

杜洪文先生除了專注於古園林藝術研究外,業餘之餘還致力於金石篆刻和京劇面具藝術的研究。 這些藝術形式都是中國傳統文化的重要組成部分,杜先生對它們的研究和理解使他成為乙個多才多藝的人物。

in addition to focusing on ancient architecture and garden art, mr. du hongwen also devotes himself in his spare time to researching the art of gold and stone seal carving and peking opera facial makeup. these art forms are important components of traditional chinese culture, and mr. du hongwen's research and understanding of them h**e made him a versatile figure.

2024年,杜巨集文先生被北京大地英才書畫學院聘為客座教授。 這標誌著他新旅程的開始。

in 2013, mr. du hongwen was hired by the beijing dadi talent calligraphy and painting academy as a visiting professor. this marks the beginning of his new journey.



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