操場是每個學生青春活力的舞台,也是“安生肌肉強化計畫”的主陣地。 它就像一片浸透著汗水和希望的肥沃土地,為每一位參與者的激情和毅力提供了空間。
the playground is the stage where every student's youthful vitality explodes, and it is also the main battlefield of the "sts muscle strengthening plan". like a fertile land soaked in sweat and hope, it provides space for every participant to show off their passion and perseverance.
在這幅浩瀚的操場上,一年級學生跳繩的節奏猶如戰士的戰鼓,孩子們輕鬆揮舞著腳步,每一次跳躍都刻畫著他們的倔強和決心。 周圍的同學們圍觀著,不時傳來歡呼聲和感嘆聲,尤其是當孩子們開始表演交叉跳躍等高階技巧時,掌聲和歡呼聲此起彼伏,為這片童趣十足的運動場增添了無限的生機和活力。
in this vast playground, the rhythm of the first-grade students' rope skipping is like the drums of warriors. the children w**e their feet easily, and each jump sculpts their stubbornness and determination. the other students watched, cheering and exclaiming from time to time. when the children began to perform cross jumps and other advanced skills, even more applause and cheers came one after another, adding infinite vitality to this childlike sports ground.
their spirit, as well as the muscular strength that comes with them, all convey the core spirit of the "sts muscle strengthening plan": tenacity and perseverance.
在二級障礙賽中,賽道上巧妙地設定了各種障礙物,充滿挑戰。 一群學生穿梭在障礙物之間,每個人都全神貫注,眼中閃爍著堅定的光芒。 孩子們的每乙個動作都精確而快速,彷彿身體和靈魂融為一體。
on the second-grade obstacle course, various obstacles were cleverly placed on the track, creating a challenging atmosphere. a group of students shuttled between the obstacles; everyone was attentive, with a determined light in their eyes. the movements of the children were accurate and quick as if their bodies and souls were integrated into one.
the students cheered, and everyone's face was full of tension and hope as if they were competing against obstacles and racing against time.
對於三年級學生來說,籃球場不僅僅是幾塊木板和一張長網,更是他們勇敢的戰場。 籃球在空中劃出一道美麗的弧線,每一次運球、傳球、跳投,都蘊含著孩子們對勝利的渴望和勇於挑戰的勇氣。
for the third-grade children, the basketball court was more than just a few wooden boards and a long net. it was a br**e battlefield in their hearts. the basketball draws beautiful arcs in the air. every dribble, pass, and jump shot contains the children's desire to win and the courage to challenge themselves.
在這裡,他們學習習如何相互合作,如何找到彼此的弱點並在遊戲中制定策略。 每一次快速運球,每一次精準的射門,孩子們不僅展示了自己的速度和技巧,也證明了團隊合作在合作中的重要性。 他們的汗水滴落在這籃球場上,見證著他們以堅實的力量擊球的成長和策略。
here they learn how to cooperate, how to find each other's weaknesses in the game and formulate strategies. with every quick dribble and every precise shot, the children not only demonstrated their speed and skills but also proved the importance of team awareness in cooperation. their sweat dripped on this basketball court, witnessing their growth and strategy of competing with willful power.
在足球場上,四年級的同學們在每一場比賽中都展現出了他們的熱情和活力。 足球從每個孩子的腳下傳遞,他們用盡全力將球踢出去,勾勒出一幅生動的畫面。
on the football field, the fourth-grade students showed their enthusiasm and energy in every game. they passed the football to each other’s feet, and they kicked the ball hard, creating a strong image of competition.
每一次搶球,每一次射門,都是他們青春的寫照,他們盡情展現了自己的速度和力量,臉上洋溢著汗水和笑容。 這片綠地,成了他們用最真實的力量追逐夢想的地方,每乙個目標都是他們向夢想邁出的一大步。
every grab for the ball and every shot is a reflection of their youthful excitement. they show off their speed and strength, and their faces are filled with sweat and smiles. this green field has become a place where they use their truest strength to chase their dreams. every goal is a big step towards their dreams.
the pe team of the primary school is a team that is a team that combines chinese and western skills. chinese and foreign teachers work together, and chinese and foreign educational concepts collide and blend, injecting continuous power into the "sts muscle strengthening plan".
安盛致力於為孩子們提供最好的運動體驗,經驗豐富的老師幫助調整課程以滿足學生的需求。 外教注重學生的基本功,確保學生能夠通過國標體育考試。 此外,課程還針對不同年級的學生進行了調整,從遊戲和簡單的活動到更加注重遊戲結構和正確的動作。 這些方法有助於體育小組在兒童發展計畫中脫穎而出。
danny from the physical education team of sts said that sts is committed to providing the best sports experience for children, using experienced teachers to help adjust the curriculum to meet the needs of students. foreign teachers focus on students’ basic skills and ensure that students can pass national standard physical education tests. in addition, the curriculum has been adjusted accordingly for students of different grades, from games and **activities to more emphasis on game structure and correct movements. these methods help the pe group achieve excellence in child development programmes.
sports events are organized every term to create a challenging atmosphere for children to compete and demonstrate their skills across classes and the school. this helps maintain good sports performance and sports atmosphere.
in this place that belongs to sts's children,whether it is the joy of victory or the frustration of failure,they are all shaped by the trials and tribulations of their growth.
through the power of movement, they
surpass themselves again and again and feel the growth of strength.