電影 法國電影凱撒獎授予導演克里斯多福 諾蘭的“榮譽凱撒獎”。

Mondo 娛樂 更新 2024-02-26

thank you,this is an incredible honor being back home getting this from in the festival hall.

where my mom and dad used to drag me to make me h**e some culture and some of it stuck.

it suddenly occurs to me that my younger brother beat me up here.

by about 40 years not because he's yet wanna bastard but because he was part of the snowflake chorus and the nutcracker here many years ago.

yeah i h**e so many people to thank for this an incredible cast led by the pearless of fearless killian murphy thank you killian.

thank you to all the others an incredible crew many h**e been recognizednice by bafter with nominations tonight so thank you bafter for recognizing these the incredible work that that these people did for me.

um thank you to chuck rovin to kybert and martin show and who wrote the book american prometheus that the films based on uh to emma thomas our incredible producer.

love you and thank you to universal led by the incomparable dame donald langley.

thank you for letting us or take on something quite dark and seeing the potential in that and on that note.

i do just want to say that our film ends on what i think is a dramatically necessary note of despair.

um but in the real world there are all kinds of individuals and organizations who h**e fought uh long and hard to reduce the number of nuclear weapons in the world and since it's peak in nineteen sixty seven they've they've done it by almost ninety percent of late that's gone the wrong way and so in accepting this i do just want to acknowledge their efforts and point out that they show the necessity and the potential of efforts for peace.

this is an incredible owner and i'm very grateful for it.

thank you.



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