
Mondo 軍事 更新 2024-02-19

儘管有判決,但判決,縮寫為no.v.或JNOV,在法律英語中,意思是“不基於陪審團裁決的判決,與陪審團裁決相反的判決”。 如果主審法官認為陪審團的裁決沒有事實依據或違反法律,則與陪審團裁決相反的判決可以推翻陪審團的裁決。 然後,法官將以“法律問題”的名義做出不同的決定。

陪審團的裁決在普通法中稱為裁決,是法官根據法律做出判決所依賴的非正式裁決。 如果陪審團認為事實不符合常識,或者違反法官的法律指示,法官可以申請排除陪審團的結論並作出裁決,即儘管有判決,但仍作出判決。

judgment notwithstanding the verdict (n.o.v.):reversal of a jury's verdict by the trial judge when the judge believes there was no factual basis for the verdict or it was contrary to l aw. the judge will then enter a different verdict as "a matter of law." essentially the judge should h**e required a "directed verdict" (instruction to the jury to return with a particul ar verdict since the facts allowed no other conclusion), and when the jury "went wrong," the judge uses the power to reverse the verdict instead of approving it, to prevent injustice. this process is commonly called "judgment n.o.v." or simply "n.o.v.," for latin non obstante veredicto.


following the jury’s verdict in this trial, the court is expected to set a trial date for the company’s trade secret misappropriation cross claims against tsmc.


in this context the government applied for an order to the effect that section 33 of the telecommunications ordinance and the executive order are valid and of legal effect for six months notwithstanding the judgment of the court.


according to the constitutional court,4 its judgement of 2 february 1999, as it pertains to the introduction of juries throughout the russian federation, precludes the use of the death penalty, including in the case of a conviction by jury verdict.

根據憲法法院的答覆,4 其1999年2月2日的判決涉及在俄羅斯聯邦全境實行陪審團制度,該制度排除了使用死刑的可能性,包括在陪審團定罪的情況下。


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