
Mondo 科技 更新 2024-02-28

台式超聲波清洗機是由超聲波發生器產生的高頻振盪訊號通過換能器轉化為高頻機械振盪並傳播到液體中,超聲波在液體中稀疏而間歇地向前輻射並產生數以萬計的微小氣泡,這些氣泡在傳播過程中在負壓區形成、生長,並在正壓區迅速閉合, 在這個過程中稱為“空化效應”,氣泡閉合可形成成千上萬個大氣壓的瞬時高壓,連續的高壓就像無數個小的“**”不斷衝擊物體表面,使物體表面和縫隙中的汙垢迅速剝落,從而達到清洗的目的。

a desktop ultrasonic cleaning machine is a device that converts high-frequency oscillation signals generated by an ultrasonic generator into high-frequency mechanical oscillations through a transducer and propagates them into a liquid. ultrasonic w**es radiate forward in a dense manner in the liquid, producing tens of thousands of tiny bubbles. these bubbles form and grow in the negative pressure zone during propagation, while they quickly close in the positive pressure zone. in this process known as the "c**itation effect", the bubbles close and form an instantaneous high pressure of thousands of atmospheres. the continuously generated high pressure is like countless small "explosions" constantly impacting the surface of an object, causing dirt on the surface and in the gaps to quickly peel off, thus achieving the cleaning purpose.

台式超聲波清洗機可用於除除防鏽油脂、量具清洗、機械零件脫脂除鏽等; 發動機、發動機配件、變速箱、減震器、軸承、油嘴、氣缸體、閥體、化油器及汽車配件及底盤前脫脂、除鏽、磷化清洗前; 過濾器、活塞附件、過濾器等的疏通和清潔。 精密機械零件、壓縮機零件、相機零件、軸承、五金零件、模具,特別是在鐵路行業,火車車廂空調的脫脂去汙,以及火車機車各部位的防鏽、除鏽、脫脂都非常合適。

desktop ultrasonic cleaning machines can be used for removing rust proof grease, cleaning measuring tools, and removing oil and rust from mechanical components; engine, engine parts, gearbox, shock absorbers, bearing shells, oil nozzles, cylinder blocks, valve bodies, carburetors, and cleaning of automotive parts and chassis before painting, rust removal, and phosphating; cleaning and unblocking of filters, piston accessories, and filter screens. precision mechanical components, compressor parts, camera parts, bearings, hardware parts, molds, especially in the railway industry, are very suitable for oil and dirt removal of train carriage air conditioning, rust prevention, rust removal, and oil removal of various components in the front of the train.

目前,在總清洗方式中,超聲波清洗是一種效率高、後果好,超聲波清洗之所以能達到這樣的效果,與其特殊的使用原理和清洗步驟有關。 我們知道全自動超聲波清洗機。 在盆地和生活中,你可以看到各種型別的超聲波脫脂裝置的生產。 有很多東西需要保持清潔,裝置。 需要清洗的品種和環節很多,而罕見的手工清洗步驟無疑無法達到中心條件,超聲波清洗機**。 蒸汽清洗和高壓水射流清洗不能滿足對高潔淨度的要求,這就是為什麼超聲波清洗在各個行業中應用越來越多的原因。

among the current cleaning methods, ultrasonic cleaning is one with high efficiency and good consequences. the reason why ultrasonic cleaning can achieve such results is related to its unique employment principle and cleaning steps. we know that fully automatic ultrasonic cleaning machines. in childbirth and daily life, you can see the production of various types of ultrasonic oil removal equipment. there are many things that need to be kept clean, such as equipment. there are also many types and processes that require cleaning, and the rare manual cleaning steps undoubtedly cannot meet the requirements. therefore, the quotation for ultrasonic cleaning machines is as follows. even steam cleaning and high-pressure water jet cleaning cannot meet the demand for higher cleanliness, which is why ultrasonic cleaning is increasingly widely used in various industries.

台式超聲波清洗機採用超聲波清洗原理,可以達到對物體進行全面清洗的清洗效果,台式超聲波清洗機是深孔、盲孔、凹凸槽清洗的理想裝置,不影響任何物體的材質和精度。 同時可用於高校生化、物理、化工、醫學、科研和實驗中的提取、脫氣、混合、細胞粉碎、奈米分解等。

the desktop ultrasonic cleaning machine adopts the principle of ultrasonic cleaning, which can achieve a comprehensive and clean cleaning effect on objects. the desktop ultrasonic cleaning machine is an ideal equipment for cleaning deep holes, blind holes, and conc**e and convex grooves, without affecting the material and accuracy of any object. at the same time, it can be used for extraction, degassing, mixing, cell crushing, and nano decomposition in experiments in biochemistry, physics, chemistry, medicine, scientific research, and colleges and universities.


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