1、超聲波清洗機的振盪器受潮:可以用兆歐表檢查,其中2個引腳是超聲波換能器的正極,3個引腳是換能器的負極,連線到換能器的外殼上。 檢查時,2 3引腳之間的絕緣電阻值可以判斷基本情況,一般要求絕緣電阻大於30兆歐以上。 如果未達到絕緣電阻值,換能器一般受潮,換能器整體(不包括噴殼)可放入烘箱設定約100公尺晾乾3小時或用吹風機除去水分,直至電阻值正常。 (對於密封換能器,不鏽鋼外殼需要用手持式研磨機解剖)。
1. dampness of the ultrasonic cleaning machine oscillator: it can be checked with a megohmmeter, with 2 pins being the positive pole of the ultrasonic transducer and 3 pins being the negative pole of the transducer and connected to the outer shell of the transducer. check the insulation resistance value between pins 2 and 3 to determine the basic situation. generally, the insulation resistance is required to be greater than 30 megaohms. if the insulation resistance value cannot be reached, it is generally due to moisture in the transducer. the entire transducer (excluding the spray coated shell) can be placed in an oven set at around 100 ℃ and dried for 3 hours, or a hair dryer can be used to remove moisture until the resistance value is normal. (for sealed transducers, it is necessary to first use a handheld grinder to cut open the stainless steel casing)
2. ultrasonic cleaning machine transducer oscillator ignition and ceramic material breakage: can be checked with the naked eye and a megohmmeter, generally as an emergency response measure. individual damaged oscillators can be disconnected without affecting the normal use of other oscillators.
3.超聲波清洗機振盪器脫膠:我們的換能器是膠結的,螺絲緊固的雙重保證過程,一般不會發生這種情況,由於螺桿的作用,振盪器在脫膠後不會從振動面上掉下來,一般的判斷方法是用手輕輕搖晃振盪器的尾部,仔細觀察振動面的膠水情況才能做出判斷。 一般來說,振盪器脫膠後超聲波電源的功率輸出是正常的,但由於振盪器與振動面連線不良,振動面的振動效果不好,振盪器長時間使用可能會燒壞。 振盪器脫膠的處理方法比較麻煩,只能送回廠家解決問題。 避免振盪器脫膠最有效的方法是在日常使用中注意不要衝擊振動面。
3. ultrasonic cleaning machine oscillator debonding: our transducer adopts a double guarantee process of bonding and screw tightening, which generally does not occur. due to the action of screws, the oscillator will not fall off the vibration surface after debonding. the general judgment method is to gently shake the tail of the oscillator by hand and carefully observe the glue situation on the vibration surface to make a judgment. after the detachment of the oscillator, the output power of the ultrasonic power supply is normal. however, due to poor connection between the oscillator and the vibration surface, the vibration effect of the vibration surface is not good, and it may burn out the oscillator after a long time. the method of removing glue from the oscillator is quite complicated, and in general, it can only be sent back to the manufacturer for resolution. the most effective way to **oid detachment of the oscillator is to **oid hitting the vibrating surface during normal use.
4. ultrasonic cleaning machine vibration surface perforation: generally, after a few years of full load use of the transducer, vibration surface perforation may occur. this is due to long-term high-frequency vibration fatigue of the stainless steel plate on the vibration surface. vibration surface perforation indicates that the service life of the transducer has reached, and can only be replaced.