杜邦 AmberLiteHPR1400 H 與 AmberLiteHPR9000 OH ETA 拋光應用

Mondo 財經 更新 2024-02-10

dupont™ amberlite™ hpr1400 h

杜邦 Amberlite HPR1400 H 和 Amberlite HPR9000 OH 用於使用乙醇胺 (ETA) 的冷凝水精製應用。

Amberlite HPR1400 H 離子交換樹脂是一種均勻、凝膠狀、強酸性陽離子交換樹脂,用於核電行業的冷凝水拋光應用。

它專為在壓水堆核電站中使用乙醇胺 (ETA) 的冷凝水精製應用而設計,需要最高的樹脂純度和水質。

當與 Amberlite HPR9000 OH 離子交換樹脂一起在混合床中使用時,Amberlite HPR1400 H 是第一種陽離子樹脂,可防止硫酸鹽動力學問題,這些問題通常困擾許多使用 ETA 化學成分的加壓水堆拋光機。 該樹脂已被證明可以減輕混合床中陰離子樹脂與ETA相關的表面汙染,從而穩定硫酸鹽去除動力學,並顯著提高陰離子樹脂的使用壽命和拋光機的整體效能。

基於 Amberlite HPR650 H 離子交換樹脂的良好化學性質,Amberlite HPR1400 H 將提供與 PWR 冷凝水拋光系統多年來已知和驗證的相同操作能力、耐用性和水力效能。

amberlite™ hpr1400 h ion exchange resin is a uniform particle size, gel, strong acid cation exchange resin for condensate polishing applications for the nuclear power industry.

it is designed specifically for condensate polishing applications in pwr nuclear power generating plants using ethanolamine (eta) when highest resin purity and water quality are required.

when used in mixed beds with amberlite™ hpr9000 oh ion exchange resin, amberlite hpr1400 h is the first cation resin to offer protection from the sulfate kinetic problem that has commonly plagued many pwr polishers operating with eta chemistry.

this resin has been demonstrated to mitigate the eta-related surface fouling of the anion resin in mixed beds, thus stabilizing sulfate removal kinetics and notably increasing anion resin life and overall polisher performance. based on the well-established chemistry of amberlite™ hpr650 h ion exchange resin, amberlite hpr1400 h will deliver the same operating capacity, durability, and hydraulic performance that has been known and appreciated for years in pwr condensate polishing systems.



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