超聲波裝置可用於許多不同的行業,例如電氣和電子工業中的機械零件; 玉石加工、鐘錶、光學、機械等精密行業; 汽車工業; 橡膠工業; 乳酪,釀造; 航空業; 印刷; 機械表面處理行業; 製藥行業; 機械工具、環保行業等各類行業。 本文主要介紹超聲波在環保行業中的應用。
ultrasonic equipment can be applied to various industries, such as electronic and electrical industry mechanical components; precision industries such as jade processing, watches, optics, and machinery; the automotive industry; rubber industry; cheese and brewing industry; *iation industry; printing industry; mechanical surface treatment industry; the pharmaceutical industry; various industries such as mechanical tools and environmental protection. this article mainly introduces the application of ultrasound in the environmental protection industry.
ultrasonic dust removal and water purification
suspended solids in gas (dispersion systems of solid or liquid particles such as dust, smoke, mist, etc.),when subjected to appropriate energy ultrasound, immediately undergo spherical condensation and descent, and this spherical condensation process is very complex.
當氣體被超聲波照射時,振動氣體使塵埃顆粒一起振動,使不同大小的塵埃顆粒彼此靠近。 同樣,在除塵器管中產生的駐波在節點處的振動速度為零,最大輻射壓力為零,這也促進了粉塵在節點處的積聚。 累積的程度由振動的時間和聲音的強度決定。 在粒子之間流動的氣體的靜壓在粒子之間變小,從而產生引力。
after being irradiated by ultrasound, the vibrating gas causes dust particles to vibrate together, bringing dust of different sizes closer to each other. the standing w**e generated in the same dust removal tube, with zero vibration velocity at the w**e node and maximum radiation pressure, also promotes the accumulation of dust at the node. the degree of agglomeration is determined by the vibration time and sound intensity. the static pressure of the gas flowing between particles decreases, resulting in a gr**itational force.
ultrasonic dust removal has a dust diameter of generally less than 10-15pm, and has a good agglomeration and precipitation effect. as the dust diameter increases, the amplitude of its vibration will decrease, *it difficult to agglomerate.
超聲波在環保中的另乙個應用是通過超聲波和臭氧對廢水進行聯合處理,可以淨化水質,提高效率。 經過一分鐘的處理,水可以破壞100%的大腸桿菌和病毒,95%的磷酸鹽和72%的氮化物,72小時後,沒有發現細菌和病毒再生。
another application of ultrasound in environmental protection is the combined treatment of wastewater through ultrasound and ozone, which can purify water quality and improve efficiency. after one minute of treatment, the water can destroy 100% of escherichia coli and viruses, 95% of phosphates, and 72% of nitrides. however, after being left for 72 hours, no bacteria or viruses h**e been found to reproduce.