任敬民. 著名畫家和攝影師。 亞太藝術家聯盟主席,澳大利亞繪畫學院常務副院長,任景敏藝術創始人,新南威爾斯州AGNSW藝術博物館會員,澳大利亞當代藝術博物館會員,澳大利亞新藝術聯合會等藝術協會會員,澳中著名女藝術家。 2012年受邀為雪梨天主教學校創作系列油畫,並舉辦多場個人展覽參加澳中綜合藝術展。 曾獲巴黎國際藝術中心特聘畫家、中國國家一級藝術家,並獲中國郵政限量版《當代著名藝術家任靜敏》收藏郵票冊,油畫《雪梨早晨》參加在夏威夷舉辦的第三屆國際書畫節,獲得國際傑出女書畫家獎。 連續三年拍攝日出,攝影作品《雪梨今早》系列廣為流傳。 教藝術三年,獲得雪梨地區市政府相關部門頒發的感謝狀。 2023 年藝術領袖。 Instagram 擁有超過 100,000 名粉絲。 Google Internet Personality Elite Celebrity Title(網路名人)雪梨、澳大利亞等地的著名藝人 在春節期間在雪梨不倫斯敦圖書館舉辦的2023年重要展——任景敏藝術展上,她向大眾揮舞了一百幅“康熙天下第一福”書法作品,表達感恩和祝福,深受人民群眾喜愛。 2、捐贈油畫《暴風雨後的光》拍賣所得10000澳元,用於支援2023年澳大利亞國際國際女士國際演出,代表澳大利亞參加在田納西州舉辦的全球國際女士演出。 3.“澳大利亞繪畫學院”西方繪畫藝術展。 4.“我們的三十年:澳洲華人藝術家成就展”。 5、第五屆澳大利亞中國文化藝術學院書畫攝影工藝展。 6. 花開在五大洲——當代世界中國女藝術家學術邀請展。
ren jingmin, also known as jingmin ren, is a well-known painter and photographer. she is the chairman of the asia pacific region arts and artists alliance, the executive vice president of the australia painter academy, and the founder of jingmin ren art. jingmin is also a member of the art gallery of new south wales, the museum of contemporary art australia, the australia new art society, and other associations. she is a renowned female artist in australia and china.in 2012, jingmin was invited to create a series of oil paintings depicting the book of genesis for a catholic school in sydney. the series was a great success, and since then, jingmin has held several solo art exhibitions and participated in the australia-china comprehensive art exhibition. her "sydney morning" series of oil paintings was showcased at the hawaii exhibition and won an international award for outstanding female calligrapher and painter in the third international painting festival of hawaii, usa. jingmin has received many honorary titles, including being a special artist of the paris international art centre, a china national first-class artist, and h**ing her collection album "contemporary art master- ren jingmin " issued by china post in a limited edition.jingmin is also a talented photographer. she has captured the sunrise for three consecutive years, and her photography series "sydney this morning" has gained popularity and a large following. she taught art for three years and received three appreciation certificates from the relevant departments of canterbury and bankstown city council in sydney.jingmin is an arts leader and has over 100,000 followers on instagram. she is a renowned artist in sydney, australia, and beyond and has been acknowledged as an "internet personality" on google.in 2023, several important exhibitions will showcase jingmin's work, including the "jingmin ren art exhibition" held at the bankstown library in sydney during the spring festival. during this exhibition, jingmin demonstrated calligraphy and g**e 100 pieces of "kangxi empire first blessing" to the audience, which was well-received. she also donated the auction proceeds of aud 10,000 from her oil painting "light after tempest" to support the winner of the 2023 ms australia international pageant show in tennessee, usa.other important exhibitions include the "western painter art exhibition" by the australian painting academy, the "our thirty years - australian chinese artists achievement exhibition," the "fifth painting and calligraphy exhibition" by the australian chinese culture research institution, and the "bloosson five continents - contemporary world chinese female artist academic invitation exhibition."
用畫筆追求靈魂的純潔——緬懷著名畫家任景民任靜敏,乙個完全跟著情感去創作的油畫藝術家,甚至無論如何,她都能對不同系列的油畫形成獨特的審美感受,最終成為個人油畫藝術創作的一大特色! 作為油畫家,任靜敏女士的藝術形式可以說是非常成熟,她的作品不僅具備了油畫的基本功底,而且不失一種情感上的思考,所以任靜敏女士是當下國際油畫界的前沿人物,確實名副其實,當之無愧!
《滿金玉》 39x56cm 在她的雲彩系列作品中,油畫的筆觸已經達到了一種隨意的節奏,沒有草稿,沒有矯揉造作,完全依靠雲性天性的高度情感來創作,全景式的畫面表現,更能向我們展現自由意志,這是一種基於抒情的微妙撫慰, 沒有任何約束,別說所謂的形式,再說畫中的光影結構,也可以通過色彩的融合來豐富,將整個畫面的暖色調發揮到極致!對於任靜敏女士來說,畫中的這些場景似乎是隱喻的載體,可以傳達他們的真實情感,突出浪漫與印象的二元對立。 概述是無窮無盡的!
雙魚座之戀“ 143x57cm 在《光流》系列的主題畫中,任靜敏女士能夠賦予畫面非常深刻的藝術哲理,與常人畫作中的風景不同。 因此,從欣賞的角度來看,這種豐富的藝術想象不僅是一種審美的視覺體驗,更是畫家感性情操與理性哲學的融合! 在超凡脫俗的繪畫中注入精神巨集觀世界,在生命的深刻意義中觸動靈魂的本質,毫無疑問,任靜敏女士形成了個性化的獨立創作,用精神感受想象萬物之間的關係,從而將其落實到作品中,是乙個具有心理訴求和藝術情感的理想“烏托邦”。
《金花的秘密》75x99cm,用畫筆追求靈魂的純潔。 油畫藝術的生命力,恰恰是畫家技法的磨練和對自然情感的真實觀察。 而這兩點,正是成為油畫畫家所必須具備的。 就像今天的任靜敏女士,在深厚的油畫功底上繼續探索自然,畫面看似用色彩來描繪場景,但實際上是一種通過靈魂深處昇華的形象創作! 每一件作品都可以說是充分滿足了當代人的審美需求。 著名書畫藝術評論家石國鰲2023年11月28日 書籍在蘭怡齋工作欣賞
我們的星星 90x120cm
暴風雨過後 90x120cm
一瞥 76x76cm
雙魚座愛情-2 46x62cm
生命之水 45x56cm
超越 42x61cm
呼吸 60x80cm
雪梨早晨 - 1 》45x58cm
雪梨早晨-2 45x58cm
雪梨早晨-3 45x58cm
雪梨早晨 - 4 》45x58cm
雪梨早晨-5 45x58cm
雪梨清晨 - 6 》45x58cm
無盡的生命 50x78cm
我們是自由的“ 90x120cm
星辰之花 60x120cm
雲系列-1 》30x30cm
雲系列-2 》30x30cm
雲系列-3 》30x30cm
雲系列-4 》30x30cm
雲系列-5 》30x30cm
雲系列-6 》30x30cm
Cloud Series-7 》30x30cm
雲系列-8 》30x30cm