
Mondo 教育 更新 2024-02-07

在中國傳統文化中,除夕是一年中最重要的日子之一。 人們慶祝這一天是為了表達他們對新年的期待和祝福。 農曆除夕的傳說和習俗植根於中國悠久的歷史和豐富的文化底蘊。

in traditional chinese culture, new year's eve is one of the most important days of the year. people celebrate this day to express their expectations and blessings for the new year. the legends and customs of new year's eve are rooted in china's long history and rich cultural heritage.

中國的除夕傳說與神秘的生物“年”密切相關。 相傳很久以前,有一種名叫“年”的兇猛怪物,會在除夕夜出現,襲擊村莊,吞噬人和動物。 為了躲避“年”的攻擊,人們紛紛躲進山洞,或者用紅燈籠和鞭炮把“年”嚇跑。

the legend of chinese new year's eve is closely related to the mysterious creature "nian". according to legend, a long time ago, there was a fierce monster named "nian" that would appear on new year's eve, attacking villages and devouring people and animals. to **oid the attacks of "nian", people hid in c**es or used red lanterns and fireworks to scare it away.

據說“年”最怕紅火,所以人們在除夕夜掛紅燈籠放鞭炮,趕走“年”,保住家園。 此外,人們還會在門上貼上“福”字,以求平安和好運。 這些習俗一直延續到今天,成為農曆新年的重要傳統。

it is said that "nian" is most afraid of red and fire, so people hang red lanterns and set off fireworks on new year's eve to drive away "nian" and protect their homes. in addition, people also paste the character "fu" on their doors for peace and good luck. these customs h**e continued to this day and h**e become an important tradition of the chinese lunar new year.

除了與“年”相關的傳說外,還有許多其他與農曆新年相關的傳說。 其中最著名的乙個是關於舜和姚的故事。 相傳,中國古代有一位仁慈的皇帝,名叫舜,治國好,百姓幸福。 後來,舜將皇位傳給了另一位仁慈的皇帝堯。 姚在位期間,國家和人民平安,人民過上了富足幸福的生活。

in addition to the legend related to "nian", there are many other legends about the chinese lunar new year. one of the most famous is the story of shun and yao. according to legend, in ancient china, there was a benevolent emperor named shun who governed the country well and made the people happy. later, shun passed the throne to another benevolent emperor named yao. during yao's reign, the country was prosperous and the people lived a rich and happy life.

相傳,舜、堯都是中國古代的聖人、君王,他們的仁慈和治國能力成為後世效仿的榜樣。 因此,在農曆新年的除夕夜,人們會祈求順瑤神的祝福,希望國家在新的一年裡平安富足。

according to legend, both shun and yao were sage kings in ancient china, and their benevolence and governance abilities became models for future generations to learn from. therefore, on new year's eve of the lunar new year, people pray for the blessings of the spirits of shun and yao, hoping for peace and prosperity in the country and good weather in the new year.

除了與傳說相關的習俗外,農曆新年除夕還有許多其他傳統習俗。 人們聚在一起分享豐盛的農曆除夕大餐,其中通常包括象徵團圓和豐收的各種菜餚。 此外,人們還進行祖先崇拜活動,向祖先祈求祝福和保護。

in addition to the customs related to legends, there are many other traditional customs for new year's eve of the chinese lunar new year. people will gather together and share a sumptuous reunion dinner, which usually includes a variety of dishes symbolizing reunion and harvest. in addition, people will also perform ancestor worship activities to pray for blessings and protection from their ancestors.

在農曆除夕夜,家家戶戶還會張貼對聯和春聯,以及掛燈籠,這些都象徵著對新年的祝福和期待。 此外,人們還將享受春節聯歡晚會,欣賞舞獅、舞龍等傳統表演,為節日增添節日氣氛。

on new year's eve, every household will also paste couplets and spring couplets, as well as hang lanterns. these decorations all symbolize blessings and expectations for the new year. in addition, people will watch the spring festival gala and enjoy traditional performances such as lion dances and dragon dances, adding to the festive atmosphere of the holiday.



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