雙語和文化自信! 中國龍被稱為龍而不是龍

Mondo 文化 更新 2024-02-21

**10,000粉絲獎勵計畫"loong” is a sacred creature in chinese culture, representing power, wisdom, and auspiciousness. however, in western culture, the term "dragon" often carries negative connotations of evil and ferocity. this semantic conflict can lead to misunderstandings and cultural clashes. to **oid such misunderstandings, some scholars and cultural workers h**e begun to explore new translations that better convey the cultural connotations of "loong”."

“龍”是中國文化中的神聖生物,代表著力量、智慧和好運。 然而,在西方文化中,“龍”這個詞往往帶有**、兇猛的負面含義。 這種語義衝突可能導致誤解和文化衝突。 為了避免這種誤解,一些學者和文化工作者開始探索新的翻譯,以更好地傳達“龍”的文化內涵。

the emergence of "loong" as a new translation for "dragon" carries multiple meanings. firstly, it reflects consideration for cultural respect. by using "loong" instead of "dragon," we can reduce confusion with the concept of "dragon" in western culture while preserving the original cultural connotations of "dragon." secondly, it showcases the vitality of linguistic innovation. in today's globalization, language is no longer limited to traditional translation methods but can be innovated and recreated as needed. this innovation helps promote communication and understanding between different cultures.

作為“龍”的新譯,“龍”有很多含義。 首先,它體現了對文化尊重的考慮。 通過使用“龍”代替“龍”,我們能夠減少與西方文化中“龍”概念的混淆,同時保持“龍”的原始文化內涵。 其次,它還展示了語言創新的活力。 在當今全球化的世界中,語言不再侷限於傳統的翻譯方法,而是可以根據需要進行創新和再創造。 這項創新有助於促進不同文化之間的交流和理解。

i would like to express my gratitude to all those who h**e diligently spread chinese culture. because of your efforts, negative labels deliberately imposed on china over the past two hundred years are being debunked one by one. china is becoming more confident, and the world is filled with more love for china.

我要感謝大家為傳播中國文化所做的辛勤工作。 因為你們的努力,伴隨著中華民族的復興,200年來刻意抹黑中國的負面標籤正在被一一清除。 中國正變得越來越自信,世界也越來越喜歡中國。

regarding the new translation "loong," it is not only a cultural reshaping of the creature "dragon" but also a manifestation of the uniqueness and profound heritage of chinese culture. by using "loong," we send a clear message to the world that chinese culture is unique, rich, and worthy of respect and appreciation.

對於“龍”這個名字的新譯,既是對生物“龍”的文化重塑,更是中華文化獨特性和深厚底蘊的體現。 通過使用“龍”,我們向世界發出了乙個明確的資訊:中國文化獨特而豐富,值得尊重和欣賞。

the creation of "loong" represents both innovation in the cultural symbol of the dragon and the enhancement of china's global cultural influence. it showcases the inclusiveness and creativity of chinese culture, allowing china to confidently display its cultural charm on the global stage.

“龍”的創造,既是對“龍”這一文化符號的創新,也是對中華文化全球影響力的提公升。 展現了中華文化的包容與創新,讓中國在國際舞台上更加自信地展現文化魅力。

with the popularization of "loong" as a new translation, we believe that the world's understanding and appreciation of chinese culture will deepen. at the same time, this will inspire more chinese cultural disseminators to continue their efforts in **chinese culture shine more brilliantly on a global scale.

隨著“龍”新譯本的熱播,我們相信世界對中國文化的理解和欣賞將會加深。 同時,也將鼓勵更多的中國文化傳播者繼續努力,讓中國文化在全球範圍內更加綻放。


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