瑞珠天元設計法式雙面神GPDP獎銀獎 順空西嶽灣示範區

Mondo 社會 更新 2024-02-19

最近法國雙面神“GPDP獎”國際設計獎宣布了 2023 年的獲獎者。 在來自全球80多個國家和地區的數千份參賽作品中,瑞珠天元&順熙地產聯申報專案【順空西悅灣示範區】依託集約研產品、獨特產品創新的方式榮獲2023年法國雙面神GPDP獎-銀獎

1951年,法國設計學院成立,被譽為世界設計界三大“奧斯卡”工業設計獎之一的雙面神獎“雅努斯”,在全球工業設計領域享有崇高的地位。 隨著全球設計產業的多元化融合與發展,法國設計學院設立了法國雙面神GPDP(Grand Prix Design Paris)國際設計獎,用於全球建築設計、室內設計、產品設計。


專案位於順德市樂流南部嶺南水鄉居住區,產城融合發展,未來將以“城園融合、協同發展、環境優美”為發展目標,打造城園融合、協同發展、環境優美的城宜新城區。 設計將人與空間、空間與景觀融為一體,協調了新城市建築與自然環境和地域的關係它為公眾呈現了乙個具有規模、氛圍、生態和自然的開放示範區。

this project, situated in the residential district of south of leliu, shunde. the area melds industrialization with urbanization with its vision to build a vibrant new city featuring industrial parks, coordinating growth, and delightful surroundings. the design blends individuals and space with landscape, unites urban architecture with natural environment and regional characteristics, presenting a grand showcase of scale, atmosphere, and ecological nature for all.

建築主體強調結構與形式的統一,設計簡潔純粹,以簡單的塊和線條為主要元素。 立面與現實交織,曲線金屬賦予其輕盈流暢的弧形美感。 使用帶有大透明玻璃的純塊,讓視野穿透,使室內外空間相互融合,形成乙個有機整體。

this architectural design utilizes a block of pure glass, rendering a clean and pure finish. the view connects the indoor and outdoor spaces. the continuous and intertwined facade adds light and smoothness with a curved metal.

建築注重實用性與藝術性的結合,通過細節的刻畫和材料的選擇,營造出既符合時代潮流又具有品質內涵的社群形象感。 主體整體採用油漆、香檳色、銀白鋁板整體骨架打造,搭配輕盈透明的高透明超白玻璃,虛擬與現實相結合,細節展現出獨特的設計和實用性。 入口由豪華的香檳色鋁板製成,點綴著玻璃和格柵雙立面,打破了原有的單調,為建築增添了一絲靈動感。

the building's outer shell comprises paint, champagne, and silver-white aluminum plates with light, transparent high-transparency ultra-white glass, blurring reality and fantasy. the entrance marries innovation with champagne-colored aluminum plates. the double-layer facade enhances the aesthetics and creates a visual focus.


the curving shape, the landmark, shapes a futuristic, stylish ambiance. its smooth curves reflects fluid natural form and adds charm to the building.


through careful manipulation of proportions and details, sharp edges are replaced with precise, three-dimensional arc sections, ensuring the building interacts with lines, light, and shadow, creating a free-flowing artistic space.

專案景觀設計以“未來綠洲,星際綠洲”為主題,力求在社群園林中呈現自然與科技和諧融合的多維生活場景。 “邂逅”活力公園; “公園”熙熙攘攘的街道擺攤打卡聖地; 100公尺的“入戶”儀式門廳,構成了充滿現代都市情懷的城市公園介面。

the garden's theme reflects a utopian future oasis and interstellar tr**el, fusing dynamic parks, stalls, and landscaping into an innovative urban park interface.



the design integrates surrounding park greenery into the building. the garden tour-style design aligns with local conditions to optimize the views along the road. a profound understanding of scene structure transforms this demonstration area into a themed experience with integrated architecture and landscape.


the design merges the landscape feature and structure with fashionable scenes, and capitalizes on a well-positioned brand perception, crafting a comprehensive storyline, and creating a scene design with storytelling as the focus.


green space is enhanced by stone-like art paint, bronze metal, wood veneer, creating a seamless integration with nature. the design exudes quality, featuring nearly 4-meter diameter hoisting metal installations and unique forms that fill the space with artistry.


空間功能由接待廳、企業展廳、沙盤區、洽談區、水吧區組成,設計通過一步一景的技巧,在每個空間的盡頭設定藝術裝置,為空間增添趣味性和藝術性, 通過創造從小空間到大空間的過渡,創造一種先壓抑後提公升的空間感覺。

the space function consists of reception lobby, corporate exhibition hall, sand table area, negotiation area, and bar area. post-spacing art installations are strategically placed to lend interest and artistry to the space. the design builds a sense of space by creating a transition from small to large, and brings a restrained but opened design touch.


the interior design elegantly incorporates elements like coffee and floral arrangements creating a space that is social and welcoming, promoting a vibrant and active living environment.










設計開始和結束日期:2022 年 5 月至 2023 年 1 月。

完成時間:2023 年 6 月。

#project informationproject name:glory mansion marketing center

location:shunde district, foshan city, guangdong provinceclient name:foshan shunde shunxi real estate development co., ltd.design company: remac ty

design content:all-professional designfloor area:2645.77㎡

landscape area:10558㎡

interior area:1285㎡

design cycle:may 2022- january 2023

completion time:july 2023



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