作者: Tina Turner12 56297類別: (討論) 建立: (2023年11月29日 下午4:48).
這篇文章已被看過(99 次)。
冬天是我最喜歡的季節之一。 我有時會說這是我最喜歡的季節,但我也喜歡秋天。 我住在加拿大東部,那裡很多人討厭冬天,可能是因為我們的冬天又長又冷。 從我還是個孩子的時候起,冬天就一直看起來很神奇——新雪的寂靜、聖誕節的燈光、月光下雪花的閃光等等。 下雪了,世界突然變得安靜了。 更不用說穿著舒適的毛衣和熱飲了。
回覆:日期:2023 年 11 月 29 日下午 6:07:00 **:21435 tinaturner12
我住在德克薩斯州的墨西哥灣沿岸,那裡的夏天會變得特別殘酷。 當冬天來臨時,我已經準備好了。 此外,由於我在沿海沼澤中工作,在溫暖的月份,我有各種各樣的害蟲(蒼蠅、蚊蟲叮咬等)。 冬天驅趕了許多害蟲。
所以,我喜歡冬天。 我想我最喜歡的是你提到的“冬季寧靜”。 享受寒冷的時光! 女士。
日期:2023 年 12 月 1 日凌晨 5:33**:55251
我確實喜歡冬天。 當我在雪地裡旅行或在暴風雪中取消航班時。 我喜歡在雪地裡玩耍或看雪花飄落。 下雪後,黃昏時分,當我在外面時,我感到一種平靜的感覺。 有時候,當周圍沒有人的時候,雪根本不動,我是第乙個留下腳印的人。 其他時候,周圍沒有人,但我看到了一組腳印,想知道那個人去了哪裡**? 冬天給人一種美妙的感覺。
what's your f**ourite thing about winter?
author: tinaturner12
56297 category:(discussion) created:(11/29/2023 4:48:00 pm)
this post has been viewed (99 times)
winter is one of my f**orite seasons. i sometimes say it's my number one f**orite season, but i also really enjoy autumn. i live in eastern canada, and a lot of people here hate winter probably because our winters are so long and cold. since i was a child, winter has always seemed magical --the hush of freshly fallen snow, christmas lights, the way the snow glitters under moonlight, etc. it's like the world suddenly becomes quiet when there's snow. don't even get me started on the comfy sweaters and hot drinks.
do you like winter? if so, what's your f**orite thing about it?
what's your f**ourite thing about winter?
date: 11/29/2023 6:07:00 pm from authorid: 21435 tinaturner12 i do like winter and the way that you described winter is excellent, too.
i live down on the gulf coast of texas and summers can get especially brutal, around here. by the time winter does come around, i "am" ready for it. also, since i work in the coastal marshes, there are all sorts of pests that assault me during the warm months. (biting flies, mosquitoes, etc.) winter drives many of these pests away.
so, yes, i like winter time. i guess my f**orite thing is that "winter quiet" that you mention. enjoy the cold time, lady.
date: 12/1/2023 5:33:00 am from authorid: 55251 i do enjoy winter. but, not so much when i'm tr**elling in the snow or when a blizzard cancels my flight. i like playing in the snow or just watching it fall. i feel a sense of peace when i'm outside at dusk after the snow has fallen. sometimes the snow is perfectly untouched when nobody else is around and i'm the first one to make footprints. other times, nobody will be around but i'll come across a set of footprints and wonder where the person went. winter brings a sense of wonder.