CDP 和 DMP 之間有什麼區別?

Mondo 科技 更新 2024-02-06

近年來,CDP客戶資料平台的普及率不斷上公升,提到這個概念,你可能會想到DMP、CRM、MA和SCRM,但實際上它們之間有著千絲萬縷的聯絡。 其中,CDP客戶資料平台與DMP的關係更為緊密,CDP客戶資料平台與DMP既有異同。 明確兩者的定位和區別,有助於企業發展數位化運營。


a.CDP 客戶資料平台與 DMP 中的資料不同


CDP客戶資料平台將更多的注意力集中在資料的一側,包括品牌**線上線下收集的實名和匿名使用者資訊,可以記錄使用者的喜好、行為、操作等,並通過沉澱的派對資料對人群進行細分,然後根據人群選擇的結果同步更新到營銷工具中, 從而實現營銷的精準准入,使品牌能夠自由地構建和定義受眾。


DMP旨在通過建立受眾來提高廣告的有效性並加強品牌的使用者獲取營銷策略。 CDP客戶資料平台分析使用者各類資料,構建豐富的資料模型,發現前瞻性指標(如複購週期、使用者流失率等),幫助品牌進一步提公升營銷針對性,實現以消費者為中心的定製化營銷體驗。

c.CDP 客戶資料平台無法帶來與 DMP 相同的價值



根據數位化轉型網路的資訊(進入搜尋欄:中國數位化轉型網路,可以了解更多),CDP是企業數位化轉型中非常重要的一環。 數位化轉型網路有大量關於CDP的資料和解決方案,如介紹CDP的定義、CDP的功能、CDP的價值、CDP的優秀案例、CDP和DMP的區別等。 如果你對CDP數位化感興趣,想和更多對企業CDP數位化感興趣的同事交流,也可以關注第五屆華東CIO大會暨2023數位化轉型展,在搜尋欄中輸入:華東CIO大會,了解更多註冊參會資訊!



what are the differences between cdp's customer data platform and dmp?

in recent years, the popularity of cdp customer data platform has increased, and when we mention this concept, we may think of dmp, crm, ma, scrm, in fact, there are inextricably linked between them. among them, cdp customer data platform and dmp are more closely related, and there are both similarities and differences between cdp customer data platform and dmp. to clarify the positioning and difference of the two is conducive to the development of digital management of enterprises.

so, what are the differences between cdp's customer data platform and dmp?

a. the cdp customer data platform and dmp h**e different data sources

dmp data source is mainly third-party data, so the service provided by dmp is to combine the anonymous data label of the enterprise website with the data of the brand, which is convenient for the enterprise to build the target group in advance when formulating marketing strategy.

cdp customer data platform pays more attention to one party data, including the real name and anonymous user information collected by the brand online, online and offline, which may record the user's preferences, beh**iors, operations, etc. through the precipitation of one party data, the group is segmented, and then updated to the marketing tool according to the crowd circle selection results, so as to achieve accurate marketing reach. give brands the freedom to build and define their audience.

b. the application scenarios of the cdp customer data platform and dmp are different

dmp is to improve the display effect of advertising, strengthen the brand's customer acquisition marketing strategy by building audience groups. cdp customer data platform analyzes various types of user data, builds a rich data model, and discovers forward-looking indicators (such as re-purchase cycle, user churn, etc.) to help brands further enhance the targeting of marketing and achieve a customized consumer-centered marketing experience.

c. cdp customer data platform brings different value from dmp

although dmp can help brands better understand the audience and better target the advertising content, the same information data can also be obtained by competitors, so the data of dmp is open.

cdp customer data platform can create a one-party data pool unique to the brand, privatize the data of two or three parties, and can quickly reuse for similar or different scenarios, helping the brand to occupy the market and provide sustainable competitive advantages over competitors.


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