
Mondo 遊戲 更新 2024-03-07


相比之下,1965年由柯克·道格拉斯(Kirk Douglas)主演的英國電影《雪英雄》(Snow Hero)。'the heroes of telemark'憑藉其驚心動魄、曲折曲折的故事情節,成為諜戰劇的不朽經典。 此外,《泰勒馬克英雄》是根據英國國有企業突擊隊對挪威水廠的真實破壞改編的,而《英雄時代》中對德國雷達站的破壞是虛構的。



1942 年 3 月,時任海軍上將約翰·戈弗雷 (John Godfrey) 的秘書、皇家 N**Y 情報局局長伊恩·弗萊明 (Ian Fleming) 提議成立一支突擊隊 the objective of such a unit would be, "to accompany forward troops when a port or n**al installation is being attacked and, if the attack is successful, their duty is to capture documents, cyphers".伊恩還以德國的乙個類似單位為基礎,在卡納里斯海軍上將的領導下,軍事情報機構“Abwehr”的海軍陸戰隊 - 特別行動隊 - Kommando Schwarzes Meer:黑海特別行動隊特遣隊,該部隊約有40人,主要在黑海和亞速海進行報告和偵察活動。主要任務是收集有關蘇聯港口及其裝置的情報資料,以及紅軍方面的海防組織。

1942 年 9 月正式成立的“第 30 突擊部隊”,30AU 由 33 部隊(皇家海軍陸戰隊)、34 部隊(陸軍)、35 部隊(皇家空軍)和 36 部隊(皇家海軍)組成。 指揮官正是伊恩·弗萊明(後來的詹姆斯·邦德的作者)。 它的任務是先於盟軍前進,或從陸地、海上或空中秘密滲透敵方領土,以**、檔案、裝置或人員的形式獲取急需的情報。 這是乙個由海軍主導的情報機構。

特別行動執行局成立於 1940 年 7 月 22 日,負責在納粹德國占領區對軸心國進行間諜和偵察活動,並協助當地的抵抗運動。

正如影片中所說,30au的成員確實是從監獄中招募的。 因撬開保險箱而入獄的拉姆齊被弗萊姆寧招募為團隊的一員。 ramsey had learnt to use explosives in the mining industry. ramsey is said to h**e cracked 14 in one day while in action in italy.

some 30au members suggest that looted gold and diamonds found in the vaults they raided were seen as a perk of the job. after the unit was disbanded, several men,, may h**e utilized their skill set on the other side of the law. ramsey himself reverted to his old trade and was soon back in jail again.

number 30 assault unit” was deployed for the first time during the dieppe raid in august 1942, in an unsuccessful attempt to capture an enigma machine and related material.迪耶普突襲(1942 年 8 月 19 日)是盟軍在諾曼第登陸前對德國占領的法國北部迪耶普港的一次不成功的兩棲攻擊。 在近5,000人的加拿大特遣隊中,有900多人被殺,1,874人被俘。 德國人只有 591 人。 第30突擊隊被派往迪耶普後,其任務也失敗了,一名成員被殺,另一名成員受重傷,兩人被俘。


Mince 行動是二戰期間英國為掩蓋 1943 年盟軍入侵西西里島而進行的一次成功的欺騙行動。 英國情報部門獲得了死於吃老鼠藥的無家可歸者格林多·麥可的屍體,將他偽裝成皇家海軍陸戰隊的軍官,並在他身上放置了個人物品,確認他是虛構的威廉·馬丁上校。 兩位英國將軍之間的通訊也被放在屍體上,檔案暗示盟軍計畫入侵希臘和撒丁島,西西里島只是佯攻的目標。 這個計畫對美軍在西西里島的成功登陸有很大幫助。

“碎肉行動”是根據海軍少將、海軍情報局局長約翰·戈弗雷的助手伊恩·弗萊明中校 1939 年撰寫的乙份備忘錄改編的。

to steal enigma code books, fleming designed an elaborate operation,” operation ruthless “ that was not put into effect.該設計由弗萊明於 1940 年 9 月 12 日寫給戈弗雷海軍上將 the idea was to "obtain" a nazi bomber, man it with a german-speaking crew dressed in luftwaffe uniforms, and crash it into the english channel. and h**ing the pilot ditch into the sea hoping to entice a german u-boat to rescue the downed men.

once aboard a nazi sub, the british, still dressed in german uniforms, would shoot the german crew, dump their bodies overboard, and bring the nazi submarine back to england along with the enigma code books stored on board. ditching a plane into rough waters was considered a risk too far and the operation was abandoned.


ian was officially discharged from the n**y on november 10, 1945 and took a job as the foreign manager at the kemsley news***chain.

in 1942 fleming attended an anglo-american intelligence summit in jamaica and, he decided to live on the island once the war was over.退休後,他真的在陽光明媚的加勒比海牙買加島上建造了一座房子,並稱其為“黃金眼”。他在這裡寫了 11 個邦德。

fleming based his creation on individuals he met during his time in the n**al intelligence division, and admitted that bond "was a compound of all the secret agents and commando types i met during the war。

fleming’s first novel, casino royale, introduced secret agent james bond 007, and was an instant hit. in 1952,

為什麼邦德的代號是007? fleming came across details of the british success in breaking a german code during world war i, leading to the zimmerman telegram incident.英國密碼破譯者破譯了德國總督亞瑟·齊默爾曼(Arthur Zimmerman)在墨西哥寄給德國的檔案。 該檔案詳細介紹了針對美國的無限制潛艇戰新政策 zimmerman further stated that if mexico made trouble for the united states and germany won the war, germany would work to return new mexico, arizona, and parts of texas to mexico.此檔案的程式碼為 0070

in 1961, he met with president john f. kennedy at the white house. jfk was a big bond fan, naming from russia with love as one of his f**orite books. fleming and the president had a long and interesting chat, during which the president unobtrusively picked fleming’s brain for ways to assassinate a foreign leader (the cia was secretly planning the assassination of cuba’s fidel castro)

he succumbed to heart disease in 1964 at the age of 56.in october 1975 fleming's son caspar, aged 23, killed himself by drug overdose .

這些原創文章來自創新的非佣金、非中介二手房業主直銷平台,微信***業主賣房。 近百篇原創文章包括五個類別:英語反思、歐洲二戰、攝影、中國近代史和房地產投資。




第二次世界大戰在歐洲的遺跡 - 德國紐倫堡。

第二次世界大戰在歐洲的遺跡 - 漢堡和漢諾瓦。




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