英漢雙語美國文學 人生有很多事情要忙,不要活在無緣無故的對與錯之下

Mondo 社會 更新 2024-03-07

the desire to explain sometimes stems from thinking it's just a misunderstanding. however, the truth is, others may find plenty of reasons to dislike you, and no amount of explanation may outweigh their willingness to believe you once.

我之所以要解釋,是因為我有時認為這應該只是乙個誤會。 但其實對方可以找太多理由恨你,就算你解釋了很多遍,也不如對方願意相信你一次。

whether to let go or to take things lightly, it's crucial not to dwell on such matters. after all,you're not the kind of person they are, and you can't truly know what's on their minds. even if you did, it doesn't guarantee happiness.

不管是放手還是拿下來,這種事情都不用再擔心了。 畢竟,你不是另乙個人,你不會知道他們心裡在想什麼。 即使你知道,你也不一定會快樂。

life is filled with many things to attend to;don't let yourself be consumed by unnecessary conflicts. remember, only you can determine who you are. never be someone familiar to others but a stranger to yourself.

人生有很多事情要做,你不應該小心翼翼地生活在無緣無故的對與錯之下。 記住,只有你能決定你是誰,永遠不要成為你認識但不認識的人。

詞:源於:從,從,從......原因; 為;


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