新時代改革開放之路 “實在”“定性”滿足新要求

Mondo 社會 更新 2024-01-29

2023: 45 years of reform and opening upwith 2023 marking the 45th anniversary of china's reform and opening up, it's time to reflect on the tremendous achievements made over the past four decades and a half. how has china's steadfast commitment to reform and opening up transformed the country in various aspects including economy, politics, culture, society, ecology, and party building in the new

era how has the grassroots governance model in shenzhen, a pioneer city in the reform and opening up, become an exemplary case in comprehensive social governance system reform and how has the power of reform improved the lives of the people and led to significant changes in societyin recent years, the grassroots governance system in shenzhen has been undergoing innovative reforms aimed at enhan

cing efficiency. in the guangming district, for instance, 31 community party committees h**e been empowered to become the central command of grassroots social governance, adopting a new model of "community big grid + small grid" to manage grassroots governance. by opening the door to the community and listening to the voices of the people, the government is better able to understand the needs and

concerns of the people, thus becoming the touchstone for testing the effectiveness of policy formulation and implementation. general secretary xi jinping has made multiple visits to communities since the 18th national congress of the communist party of china, highlighting the pivotal role of communities in the overall strategic framework of the party and the country. as he pointed out, "when commu

nity services and governance capabilities are strengthened, the foundation of social governance becomes solid."in the new era of reform and opening up, the people h**e greatly improved their sense of gain, happiness, and security. the emergence of various locally distinctive "guangming models" across the country, and the relentless pursuit and hard work of "peace officers" in pursuing truth and

quality, h**e led to better education, more stable employment, higher income satisfaction, reliable social security, improved healthcare services, comfortable living conditions, and a better environment. the power of reform has driven tremendous changes in society, and its momentum will never cease.as we reflect on 45 years of reform and opening up and the profound impact it has had on china, we

are prompted to ask: how can the country continue to build on the achievements of reform and opening up and address the evolving needs of the people in the new era what lessons can be learned from the experience of shenzhen in deepening comprehensive social governance system reform and how can the "guangming model" and other successful grassroots governance practices be replicated and promoted na

tionwide to further benefit the people



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