GIA 2023 年夏季鑽石彩虹昆蟲翅膀

Mondo 時尚 更新 2024-01-30

a subsurface feather in diamond resembling an insect wing, with visible iridescence caused by thin-film interference. photomicrograph by matthew hardman; field of view 2.90 mm.

鑽石近表面下的羽狀裂紋類似於昆蟲的翅膀,由於薄膜的干涉而形成彩虹色。 視線 290mm。

diamond is very resistant to scratching and is often referred to as the hardest mineral on earth due to its compact crystal structure. however, diamond is not indestructible, and it can be fractured or even broken apart during ascent from the mantle to the earth’s surface through fast, violent kimberlite eruption. collision with rocks in high-energy rivers also results in percussion marks on the surface of alluvial diamonds (e.g., j.w. harris et al., morphology of monocrystalline diamond and its inclusions,” reviews in mineralogy and geochemistry, vol. 88, no. 1, 2022, pp. 119–166). surface cracks extending into the interior of a diamond are referred to as “feathers” in the gem trade, and these often h**e a negative effect on the clarity grade.

鑽石因其緊密的晶體結構和極高的耐磨性而成為地球上最堅硬的礦物,然而,鑽石並非堅不可摧,在從地幔上公升到地表的過程中,鑽石可能會因金伯利巖的快速而猛烈的噴發而產生裂紋甚至破裂。 在高能流水中與岩石碰撞也會在鑽石表面造成沖積痕跡。 在寶石**中,延伸到鑽石內部的表面裂紋被稱為“羽毛”,通常會對鑽石的淨度等級產生負面影響。

fractures within diamond can cause fascinating optical phenomena on rare occasion. the authors recently examined a 0.39 ct fancy deep brownish yellowish orange type ib/iaa diamond containing multiple feathers and graded as i2 clarity. these natural features had not been filled with a clarity-enhancing material. the largest feather located on the table facet of the diamond resembled an iridescent insect wing (see above).

在極少數情況下,鑽石內部的裂縫會產生令人著迷的光學現象。 作者最近測試了一塊重量為 0一顆 39 克拉的 IB IAA 深棕黃橙色鑽石,內側有多根羽毛,淨度為 I2。 這種自然特徵沒有填充材料以提高清晰度。 最大的羽毛裂縫位於鑽石臺面上,類似於彩虹色的昆蟲翅膀。

iridescence is an optical phenomenon caused by interference of light, typically seen in gemstones with cle**age or repeating submicroscopic structures (e.g., x. lin and p.j. heaney, “causes of iridescence in natural quartz,” spring 2017 g&g, pp. 68–81). in this diamond, the feather’s iridescence was due to thin-film interference caused by a thin film of air with a thickness similar to the w**elength range of visible light. as diamond and air h**e very different refractive indices, there is a phase difference between the incident light reflected from the upper and lower boundaries of the thin film, resulting in constructive and destructive interference. when viewed using a broadband light source (light consisting of a wide range of w**elengths), constructive or destructive interference intensifies or attenuates certain w**elengths (colors), respectively, producing a rainbow-like interference pattern.

彩虹色是由光的干涉引起的,通常存在於具有解理或重複亞微觀結構的寶石中。 在這顆鑽石中,羽流的彩虹色是由厚度與可見光波長相似的空氣薄膜的干涉引起的。 由於金剛石與空氣之間的折射率值差異較大,從薄膜的上邊界和下邊界反射的入射光之間存在相位差,從而導致光的干涉。 當使用具有較寬波長的光源進行觀察時,相長干涉和相消干涉分別增加或減少無聲波長,從而產生彩虹形干涉圖案。



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