美國有線電視新聞網 中文 聯合國氣候變化大會的發展 2023 12:1

Mondo 國際 更新 2024-01-19

coy wire, cnn 10 anchor: what's up lovely people.

Coy Wire,CNN 10:親愛的人們,你們最近過得怎麼樣?

it's december 1st and my f**orite day of the week friyay.

今天是 12 月 1 日,也是我一周中最喜歡的一天,Friye。

i'm coy wire.


this is cnn 10, only 31 days left in the year 2023. let's finish this week, finish this year strong.

這是 CNN 10,距離 2023 年只剩下 31 天了。 讓我們結束一周,強勢結束這一年。

first up news from the world's climate summit happening in dubai in the united arab emirates.


it's called cop28. the letters stand for conference of the parties, and the numbers stand for the 28th year that this summit is taking place.

它被稱為 COP28。 字母代表締約方大會,數字代表本屆首腦會議的第28個年頭。

it's organized by the united nations for the countries that are members of the u.n. framework convention on climate change.


let's go to faiz jamil now for more about cop's history and what it hopes to accomplish.

現在讓我們去Faiz Jamil,了解更多關於COP的歷史以及它希望實現的目標。

faiz jamil, cnn senior producer: cop stands for conference of the parties.

美國有線電視新聞網(CNN)高階製片人Faiz Jamil:COP代表COP。

the gatherings are intense technical negotiations brokered by the u.n. countries are meant to work together to coordinate a global effort to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions, but progress at success of cop summits has been limited.

這些會議是在聯合國的斡旋下進行的密集技術談判。 各國本應共同努力,協調全球努力,實現溫室氣體淨零排放,但COP峰會取得成功的進展有限。

the first climate cop summit took place in berlin in 1995 and representatives from more than 170 states or territories attended.


two years later at cop3 in japan countries agreed to the kyoto protocol in which 37 industrialized states or territories were legally bound to start reducing their emissions.


then at cop21 in paris, there was a breakthrough.

然後在巴黎舉行的 COP21 上,出現了突破。

the paris agreement was adopted by more than 190 parties, including the u.s. and china its ambition was to limit global warming to well below two, but preferably 1.5-degree celsius above pre industrialized levels.


since then progress has been slow and pledges by governments across the world h**en't gone far enough, even as deadly extreme weather has gotten more intense and cost of in action has skyrocketed.


at cop26 in glasgow country signed an agreement that for the first time acknowledged the role of fossil fuels in the climate crisis.


but the conference also had its shortcomings.


india successfully demanded that the final agreement would commit countries to phase down rather than phase out planet heating coal.


cop27 in egypt saw countries agreeing to set up a loss and damage fund to help vulnerable nations hit by climate disasters.


but while the intent to limit warming to 1.5 degrees celsius was reaffirmed progress so far has fallen far short, where scientists s**e needs to be.

然而,儘管將溫度公升高限制在 15攝氏度的意圖已經得到重申,但迄今為止取得的進展遠非科學家需要挽救的。

wire: now at this year's summit already global delegates h**e agreed to establish a damage fund for those nations hit hardest by the climate crisis.


the united arab emirates and germany already pledged 100 million to this fund.


the u.k. promised 60 million pounds.


the u.s. committed 17.5 million and japan contributed 10 million.

美國認捐1 750萬美元,日本認捐1 000萬美元。

since last year summit in egypt, more than 80 countries h**e voiced support for language around phasing out fossil fuels.


however, many wish to continue using fossil fuels as long as the climate pollution is captured before it enters the atmosphere.


moving on now to news back in the united states, the environmental protection agency proposed to remove lead pipes from the us water system.



lead is an extremely toxic he**y metal and studies h**e linked exposure to it to significant health and developmental problems, especially for kids.


new lead pipes h**e been banned in the u.s. since the 1980s, but there are still about 9 million lead service lines in the country according to the epa.

自 20 世紀 80 年代以來,美國一直禁止使用新的鉛管,但根據美國環保署的資料,該國仍有約 900 萬根鉛管。

and illinois and rhode island are the states with the highest proportions of service lines due for replacement.


the epa proposal says lead service lines must be replaced within 10 years.


the project will require billions of dollars, but the agency analysis suggests that the benefits would be 4 to 10 times greater.


wire: today's story getting a 10 out of 10 comes from lowell, massachusetts, where a middle school opened its own barber shop.


any student at sullivan middle school can receive a free haircut from a professional barber during school on mondays by booking an appointment online.


the salon named husky kutz after the school's mascot aims to break down barriers like finances and maybe transportation that could keep kids from access to looking and feeling their best.

該沙龍以學校的吉祥物命名“Husky Kutz”,旨在打破財務和交通等障礙,這些障礙可能會阻礙孩子們獲得最佳外觀和感覺。

if any of y'all ever need a fresh cut, come holla at your boy, i'll take care of it for you.


h**e you looking like mr. clean?


all right, superstars, i h**e had an awesome week sharing and learning with you.


thank you for what i believe is your greatest superpower.


your curiosity, being open and curious about news happening near and far, not content to maintain the status quo.


that's what it's all about.


multi-millionaire and advisor to u.s. president's bernard baruch once said, "millions saw the apple fall, but newton asked why." now, shout out time, mrs. becker's class at nautilus middle school in miami beach, florida.

億萬富翁和美國人**伯納德·巴魯克(Bernard Baruch)的顧問曾經說過:“數以百萬計的人看到蘋果掉下來,但牛頓問為什麼。 “現在,大聲喊出時間,貝克爾夫人在佛羅里達州邁阿密海灘鸚鵡螺中學的班級。

muchas gracias for all the lovely letters.


i can't tell you how much this means to me.


my heart completely melted in a puddle all over the floor.


all right, now rockets racking it out at neenah middle school in neenah, wisconsin, rise up.


go out and make someone smile today y'all.


remember you are more powerful than you know.


i'm coy wire.


this is cnn 10.

這是CNN 10。

it's been a blessing to spend this week with you.



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