
Mondo 軍事 更新 2024-01-28



major dispute:“under the railway labor act, a disagreement about basic working conditions,often resulting in a new collective-bargaining agreement or a change in the existing agreement.”

另一方面,輕微爭議是“輕微爭議”,僅指與集體協議解釋有關的非實質性爭議。 根據《鐵路勞動法》,重大糾紛和小糾紛均應進行強制仲裁。

minor dispute:“under the railway labor act, a disagreement about basic working conditions,of- ten resulting in a new collective-bargaining agreement or a change in the existing agreement.”


if there is any major dispute about this, would members please refer to paragraph 46 of the last report of the legislative council bills committee where it says that in the opinion of the legal adviser of the legislative council, since other provisions in the basic law h**e stated the circumstances under which the office of the chief executive falls vacant, so it would be fine even if clause 4 does not exist.

如就此議題有任何重大爭議,請參閱法案委員會《立法會審議法案》最後報告第46段,其中指出法律顧問(即立法會法律顧問)認為,由於《基本法》對行政長官職位的空缺另有條文, 即使第 4 條不存在也沒關係,並且可能不會出現這些爭議。

the police state that the dispute was minor and was settled immediately, whereas some on the local ppp side claim it was serious and led to bitter reactions from the police during the rest of the rally.


