《經濟學人》雙語:為什麼英國人喜歡在聖誕節購買食譜?Part 2

Mondo 國際 更新 2024-01-30


first, take one live goose…

how to kill a goose quickly

britons love to buy cookery books for christmas. but they barely use them



英國人喜歡在聖誕節購買食譜。 但他們幾乎不這樣做。

paragraph 7]

cookbooks shine a light on societies well beyond britain.


in 2017 al-qaeda, a terrorist group, started to produce a magazine called “your home” that was aimed at the goodjihadiwife.


it offered problem pages, tips on washing up and, of course, recipes.


the recipe for jihadi mashed potatoes explained to its eager readers that, for a truly successful mash, you should boil the potatoes first and only then mash them.


you suspect, says dr elisabeth kendall, an arabist and mistress of girton college, cambridge, that “it was written by guys”.

劍橋大學格頓學院(Gerton College, Cambridge)女院長、阿拉伯人伊莉莎白·肯德爾(Elizabeth Kendall)博士說,你可能會懷疑“書是男人寫的”。

paragraph 8]

ostensibly,recipe books are about food. in truth, says bee wilson, author of “the secret of cooking”, they are about everything else, too.

從表面上看,食譜書是關於食物的。 事實上,《烹飪的秘密》(The Secrets of Cooking)一書的作者比爾·威爾遜(Bill Wilson)說,食譜書還涵蓋了許多其他方面。

cookery books are asevocativeas anyspell, able toconjure upworlds with a handful of words.


open something by yotam ottolenghi, a chef and restaurateur, and run your eye down its lists ofesotericingredients, with theirpomegranatemolassesand za’atar and rose harissa.

翻閱廚師兼餐館老闆 Jotam Otolengi 的書籍,仔細看看他的深奧成分清單,包括石榴糖漿、zaata 香料和玫瑰哈里薩醬。

you are instantly transported to the middle east—or at least to somewheresmugin north london.


in “culinary jottings for madras”, a “treatise…for anglo-indian exiles” published in 1878, readers find themselves at the elbow of an english housewife as she learns how to make victoria pudding in southern india at the height of the raj.

閱讀 1878 年出版的《馬德拉斯烹飪筆記》,讀者會發現自己站在一位英國家庭主婦旁邊,這位家庭主婦在印度南部英國統治的鼎盛時期學會了如何製作維多利亞時代的布丁。

it turns out to be easy enough: hand the recipe to yourbutler, who can hand it to your cook.)

事實證明,這並不難:將食譜交給管家,管家又將其交給廚師。 )

paragraph 9]

for all that recipes pretend to be instruction, they are oftenepitaphsfor dying worlds.


according to dr kendall, the jihadi recipes were produced when the beginnings of the metoo movement meant that jihadis were worried women might start to “get ideas”.


countryman’s cooking” may h**e opened with the line “this book is written for men” but it came out just as britain was becoming less willing to cater to them.


ms roden began her first book on the cuisine of egyptian jews when they left egypt after the six-day war in 1967.


cookery was “the only thing we could take along with us. our memories, and our food.”

烹飪是“我們唯一可以隨身攜帶的東西”。 我們的記憶,還有我們的食物。 ”

paragraph 10]

it’s the home economy, stupid


our lives are full of death and grief and unexpected things,” says ms wilson. recipes give people order, joy and—if we do them right—“a happy ending”.


yes, there are regrets and pains and exile; and there is the ever-present risk of “vrine” that turns unexpectedly blue.


but there isrosemaryto be chopped, too, and potatoes to peel and roast chickens to be taken from the oven.


so take onehelpingof sorrows and a soupçon of social anxiety. add a powerful desire for comfort. and begin.

所以,吃乙份悲傷,增加一點社交焦慮。 除此之外,還有對舒適的強烈渴望。 那就讓我們享受生活吧。

恭喜你閱讀,這個英語詞彙量約為479 1096)。







metoo運動(意思 - 我也是“受害者”),是女演員 Alyssa Milano 等人於 2017 年 10 月針對美國金牌製片人哈維·韋恩斯坦多位女演員醜聞發起的運動,呼籲所有曾是受害者的女性站出來,說出自己的悲慘經歷,並在社交帖子上貼上話題標籤,以引起社會關注。

2024年的六日戰爭。1967 年 6 月 6 日,在以色列慶祝建國 19 周年僅三周後,以色列遭到埃及、敘利亞和約旦三個阿拉伯國家的襲擊。 這場戰爭是由埃及納賽爾領導的阿拉伯聯盟發動的,他們決心迅速解決戰鬥。 以色列這個新成立的國家面臨著生存的考驗。 由於以色列人在數量和裝備上不如對手,2024年的以色列軍隊處於劣勢。 然而,在六日戰爭中,以色列採取了先發制人的戰略,成功地摧毀了阿拉伯軍隊的空軍,使其城市和平民免受敵人空襲和轟炸的威脅。 在六日戰爭結束時,埃及、敘利亞和約旦分別遭到以色列的反擊,以色列成功地將這些國家的軍隊送回了原來的陣地。 在這場戰爭中,以色列付出了巨大的代價,總共損失了766人,但也顯示了他們的軍事實力和決心。

[關鍵句子]。(3 個)。

cookery books are as evocative as any spell, able to conjure up worlds with a handful of words.


cookery was “the only thing we could take along with us. our memories, and our food.”

烹飪是“我們唯一可以隨身攜帶的東西”。 我們的記憶,還有我們的食物。 ”

so take one helping of sorrows and a soupçon of social anxiety. add a powerful desire for comfort. and begin.

所以,吃乙份悲傷,增加一點社交焦慮。 除此之外,還有對舒適的強烈渴望。 那就讓我們享受生活吧。
