reconcile 是乙個英文單詞,意思是“調和”、“調和”、“保持一致”。 為了記住這個詞,我們可以採用以下方法:
1.詞根助記符:reconcile 這個詞可以分為兩部分,re- 和 -concile,其中 re- 的意思是“re”,-concile 的意思是“調和”。 因此,調和的意思是“調和”。
2.聯想助記符:我們可以將調和與一些相關的單詞或短語聯絡起來,例如“調和”和“調和......”。讓自己和解,等等。 這允許通過聯想來記住這個詞。
3.上下文助記符:我們可以通過閱讀包含調和的句子或段落來記住這個詞。 例如:
we need to reconcile our budget before the end of the month.
they reconciled their differences and became friends again.
the couple reconciled after a few weeks of separation.
the two countries reconciled their differences and signed a peace treaty.
she tried to reconcile the two opposing views but couldn't find a common ground.
they reconciled their differences and agreed to work together again.
the two former enemies reconciled their differences and became friends.
the couple reconciled their marriage after years of separation.
the two countries reconciled their differences and established diplomatic relations.
the two groups reconciled their differences and formed a joint committee to handle the issue.
4.練習習記憶:我們可以通過做一些包括調和在內的習練習來記憶單詞,例如填空題,多項選擇題,翻譯題等。 這樣,您可以通過反覆練習習來加深對單詞的記憶。
總之,記憶乙個單詞需要綜合運用多種方法,包括根記憶、聯想記憶、情境記憶、習練習記憶等。 通過使用這些方法,我們可以更好地掌握調和這個詞的拼寫和用法。