
Mondo 教育 更新 2024-01-30


1、an official position as a member of a parliament, council, committee, etc.指席位(議會、理事會、委員會等)。


independent candidates won the majority of seats on the local council.


he has been unsuccessful in his attempt to win a seat on the board of the company.


2、the seat of an organization or an activity is its base.指基礎(組織、活動)。

政府所在地 **.




in response to a question, it was clarified that the words “applicable law” were intended to refer to the law applicable to the arbitration proceedings or to the law of the seat of arbitration, and also to the law where enforcement was sought.


the agreement between the united nations and the special court provided that the court h**e its seat in sierra leone, but that it may meet elsewhere if necessary and may even be relocated outside the country, if required.


each national consumer authority or national authority where the vendor is located selects the online odr provider, and the seat of arbitration for the process is the vendor’s state.


committee has ceased to carry out the functions of member for any reason other than absence of a temporary character, the chairperson of the committee shall notify the secretary-general, who shall then declare the seat of that member to be vacant.


in case one or more electoral group(s), as defined by the unesco general conference at its most recent session2 , might h**e no state party in the composition of the next committee3 , one seat per such electoral group(s) shall be reserved.

根據教科文組織大會最近一屆會議的規定,2 應為委員會下屆會議的組成中沒有締約國的乙個或多個選舉組保留乙個席位3。



    法律英語中的先例一詞 a precedent case or legal decision that may be or must be followed in subsequent similar cases.判決 判例。.過去發生過的官方行動或決定,如果以後在類似情況下被視為榜樣或規則,可以作為...


    這個詞在法律英語中是 a period of time for which sth lasts 固定或有限的時間段 術語 任期 黨 領導人等 它通常用於英語合同或法律的上下文中。任期。期間期限。法院條款 最高監禁刑期 長期監禁。 a term is the period for which a le...


    衣冠楚楚的野獸 一詞起源於明代的服飾規定。明朝,對文官和武將的著裝有嚴格的規定。文官的制服上繡著各種鳥的圖案,而武將的制服上則繡有各種動物圖案。這種著裝規範起源於明朝皇帝朱元璋的治國觀念,他希望通過服飾來彰顯 的等級和身份,同時也弘揚文武之道,鼓勵 人民忠於朝廷,為國和人民做貢獻。當時,衣冠楚楚的野...


    吹牛 或 吹牛 一般用來形容說話誇張 說大話 不符合實際的人。世界上有成千上萬的動物,我們為什麼要用牛這樣的動物來形容它呢?有傳言稱,吹牛 一詞起源於中國黃河上游。黃河流經青海 甘肅 寧夏 陝西等地時,水流湍急,灘面險惡,難以航行。在古代,交通不便,居住在黃河上游的人們想出了乙個解決過河問題的辦法 ...

    戰國 乙個時代的形成,這個詞的詮釋

    戰國時期是中國歷史上最嚴重 最持久的對抗時期之一。戰國 一詞來源於漢代劉翔的 戰國政策 劉相祿說 萬倍國是七,千倍國是五,敵人在爭奪權力,是交戰國。西元前年,周王威烈下令將魏 趙 漢列為諸侯,戰國七英雄的局面正式形成。從春秋初期的多位諸侯,經過多年的吞併,到戰國初期,只剩下多位,其中西系的應秦 東系...